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General tips and guidelines for meet-up safety.

Good tips indeed, you can not be to carefull... I hope one day these will come handy, looking forward to meeting a nice lady with the same interests
I'd love to try for my first zoo experience soon but I'm not sure how to approach doing so. I figure I could find someone nearby after a bit of talking with users here on ZooVille, and get to know them better through private messaging.

My biggest concern is privacy and safety - I'd rather not meet up with someone who turns out to just be a total creep or could potentially harm or dox me.

Those of you who had positive (or a variety of mixed) meetup experiences, what were the green flags that made you decide to bite the bullet and meet up in person for zoo fun? What precautions do you take to stay safe before and after the experience?

(If this isn't the right section for this topic I'm sorry mods don't disembowel me π~π)
Yeah, Im in a similar boat, recently been trying to find owners in my area but no luck. And even if I do have the luck eventually. I feel like Ill be a bit paranoid about safety and privacy
I'd love to try for my first zoo experience soon but I'm not sure how to approach doing so. I figure I could find someone nearby after a bit of talking with users here on ZooVille, and get to know them better through private messaging.

My biggest concern is privacy and safety - I'd rather not meet up with someone who turns out to just be a total creep or could potentially harm or dox me.

Those of you who had positive (or a variety of mixed) meetup experiences, what were the green flags that made you decide to bite the bullet and meet up in person for zoo fun? What precautions do you take to stay safe before and after the experience?

(If this isn't the right section for this topic I'm sorry mods don't disembowel me π~π)
I'm glad you're interested in exploring this aspect of your sexuality. To answer your question, there are a few things you can do to vet someone for a meetup. First, make sure that the person is who they claim to be online. Check their profile and see if it matches their real-life identity. Second, talk to them extensively over private messaging before meeting up in person. This will give you an idea of whether or not you are compatible. Third, choose a public place for your meetup, such as a park or a coffee shop, where there are plenty of people around and safety is less of a concern. Finally, always be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts if something feels off. If the person turns out to be someone you don't feel comfortable with, it's okay to leave and go home. Remember that your safety is more important than any desire or thrill.
I'd love to try for my first zoo experience soon but I'm not sure how to approach doing so. I figure I could find someone nearby after a bit of talking with users here on ZooVille, and get to know them better through private messaging.

My biggest concern is privacy and safety - I'd rather not meet up with someone who turns out to just be a total creep or could potentially harm or dox me.

Those of you who had positive (or a variety of mixed) meetup experiences, what were the green flags that made you decide to bite the bullet and meet up in person for zoo fun? What precautions do you take to stay safe before and after the experience?

(If this isn't the right section for this topic I'm sorry mods don't disembowel me π~π)
Thank you @pebblemucher for starting this thread, appreciate all the feedback and advice from everyone, especially since I’m so new to all this. 😅🙏🙏🙏
I hope you were able to meet some good people and have some great zoo experiences since you posted this. 😃
Thank you for the information on this. As someone who is trying to....well try this out for the first time, I'm thankful for the information so I don't become busted and lose my life and dignity over this x3
I appreciate this thread, seeing as how I'd like to eventually meetup with a fellow zoo IRL someday.
I strongly suspect that law enforcement (in states where zoo love is criminalized) won't bother investing the time and effort to to set up profiles on sites like this in order to entrap people. However, if I'm wrong about this and someone knows of this happening I'd like to hear about it.
Of course there are dangers out there, requiring precautions and basic common sense. Still, keep in mind that there are rewards and not just risks. Not everybody is out to set you up or do other bad things. You might even meet the love of your life! I've met up with four people (three from BF, one from CL) and it all went quite well. Stay smart and listen to your feelings, of course.
Hi there! I was just wondering what the BF and CL stand for?
Hi there! I was just wondering what the BF and CL stand for?
BF is Beastforum - sort of a predecessor to this site, offline but there's a big archive here:

CL is Craigslist - they used to have a personals section where maybe 1 in 500 of the people you wrote to would reply.
Years ago we had a sheriff who'd entrap people. Several who had advertised an interest in dogs were busted.

If you've decided to meet someone, don't bring your dog and tell the other person not to bring a dog. Make it clear you'll leave if a dog is present. You may miss out on meeting someone, but it may help you avoid being busted.

It makes it much more difficult to prove intent if there's no dog present for the meeting. Each time the people were busted a deputy would bring a dog from the pound.

During the meeting you can feel out the other person. Find out how much they know about this. Then you can decide about another meeting and if a dog will be present at the next (still public) meeting. If you hit it off with the other person, they probably won't mind a few vanilla meets. Cops usually don't have that much time to spend on a case that may not bear fruit. So they'll try to pressure for a meet with a dog present.
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vet the person before meeting them as much as you can… Talk with them for weeks if not months beforehand. I definitely never will be the first one to share a face photo or anything like that… I let the other person take that risk first. I will show other photos though. then when you’re pretty confident the other person’s not a trap I will generally want to meet up in a public place like a movie theatre. it should be obvious but do not share photos of yourself doing stuff with animals to anyone you intend to meet up with until after you have met them. I probably will never ever show zoo content of myself to anyone. unless it’s showing them a video on my phone… or if they become a good friend I might invite them to join me ;3 I will also generally read everything they have ever posted lol. just to see if there’s any obvious red flags or if there’s a vibe that I probably won’t click with.
Thank you for the information on this. As someone who is trying to....well try this out for the first time, I'm thankful for the information so I don't become busted and lose my life and dignity over this x3
Ditto, imagine getting busted because you didn't listen to your mind upstairs
I'm really wanting to find a woman into this stuff, for a relationship
I married one :ROFLMAO: Though neither of us knew the other had interests in this community until many years later. I dont know where her interest started or if it was just one of those intrusive female thoughts that come around, but my interest started when my long-term girlfriend admitted to her dog fantasy when I was all of 16 or 17. While she never did anything IRL that I know of, she did ask me to watch videos with her. That basically peaked my intrigue back in the day. I forgot all about it until one day my wife and I had a very deep discussion that led to admitting those things. I don't even recall how it came about.