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Gangbang with dogs

Our dogs are working dogs for hunting and cattle. They have very good voice and whistle command control. I will play with 2-3 at a time depending on the individual dog as some are just more aggressive during breeding. Age and all kinds of factors play in to that as well mostly just the temperament of the animals together. If you try it know the animals well be safe. I have a few I can do it with the most I have done is 3 in the kennel with me all together. They are just like most of us men they don't like to be out done. They will try to breed you senseless over and over. I like to go two rounds with each of them if I can. You will be a sloppy mess and I love it. If you are up to it and have another male that has not bred you during that session. Remove the others and have him brought in or go to him. He knows that you have been a bitch for the others he is going to claim you or reclaim you as the case may be. Be prepared he is not going to be gentle he will show you whos bitch you truly are. Got to love a true Alpha.
Igen. 15? 16 évvel ezelőtt... meg, öregszem... Lehetőségem volt arra, hogy a szüleim farmján lévő 5 kan kutya között mozogjak. Előnye van annak, ha együtt nevelünk egy falka kutyát, ők már kialakítottak egy csipegetési sorrendet, és ismerik a hangomat, mikor kell megnyugodni. Sok szerelés volt. Az akkori tapasztalatlanságom miatt sem volt annyi szex, mint lehetett volna, ha akkor tudtam volna, hogyan kell olyan jól bánni egy kutyával, mint most. Nem mintha csalódást okozott volna, egész nap 17-szer csomóztam. Legtöbbjük, aki hetek vagy hónapok óta nem szexelt, csomózott, cumizott, pihent egy-két órát, majd megismételte. Kimerült voltam, és bár ágyék nélküli farmert és kockás inget viseltem, még mindig karcolások, horzsolások és zúzódások borították. Messze az egyik legvadabb szexuális élményem. A szülők soha nem értették, miért viselkedtek a kutyák mindig olyan jól körülöttem lol
I dream about it. My boyfriend wants to see me fucked and abused by a group of guys and their dogs. I will be shared as their private submissive slave. I want to be fucked by the guys and covered by the dogs in turns. They will cum on me and in me. My pussy will be dripping with human cum mixed with dog cum and fed to my mouth. In the end, my boyfriend will fuck me, he wants to feel how loose and slutty my pussy will be.
Extremely dangerous and unhealthy. For a woman it wpild wreck your ph not to mention potential hemorrhaging, raw, potential vaginal tears and infections from it. Likely same issues for men, but not as knowledgeable on that. Even the film “the record” was shot over multiple days to ensure the actresses safety.
The movie is absolutely great and Stray X was my beginning with this kink. You are right but in my fantasy i do those dog gangbagns, mostly risky in public. My fingers the all other for this fantasy ;)
I dream about it. My boyfriend wants to see me fucked and abused by a group of guys and their dogs. I will be shared as their private submissive slave. I want to be fucked by the guys and covered by the dogs in turns. They will cum on me and in me. My pussy will be dripping with human cum mixed with dog cum and fed to my mouth. In the end, my boyfriend will fuck me, he wants to feel how loose and slutty my pussy will be.
Omg!!! That is fucking hot!!! I share the same fantasy as your bf. A woman who would love this is a dream come true!!! I bet you would feel and taste amazing!!
I just want to have a dog fuck my ass and mouth, but being split roasted would be great and being gangbanged would the ultimate dog plea

I just want to have a dog fuck my ass and mouth, but being split roasted would be great and being gangbanged would the ultimate dog pleasure
i can happily say thank to my amzing wife who loves both males and females as i do we have got to experience so much together including these and can not wait to experience more:husky_love::pig_love::gsd_love:🥴🥴🥴
I dream about it. My boyfriend wants to see me fucked and abused by a group of guys and their dogs. I will be shared as their private submissive slave. I want to be fucked by the guys and covered by the dogs in turns. They will cum on me and in me. My pussy will be dripping with human cum mixed with dog cum and fed to my mouth. In the end, my boyfriend will fuck me, he wants to feel how loose and slutty my pussy will be.
can this happen to me too please?
I dream about it. My boyfriend wants to see me fucked and abused by a group of guys and their dogs. I will be shared as their private submissive slave. I want to be fucked by the guys and covered by the dogs in turns. They will cum on me and in me. My pussy will be dripping with human cum mixed with dog cum and fed to my mouth. In the end, my boyfriend will fuck me, he wants to feel how loose and slutty my pussy will be.
Wow ok well that’s one heck of a fantasy
I dream about it. My boyfriend wants to see me fucked and abused by a group of guys and their dogs. I will be shared as their private submissive slave. I want to be fucked by the guys and covered by the dogs in turns. They will cum on me and in me. My pussy will be dripping with human cum mixed with dog cum and fed to my mouth. In the end, my boyfriend will fuck me, he wants to feel how loose and slutty my pussy will be.
I'd love to be one of the guys fucking your doggy cum oozing pussy
I haven't had the opportunity to do this with bitches yet, but I did such sessions with 3 of my mares, where 2 of them were in heat at the time.