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Fun fact about yourself

I have a small penis, I think that is really funny, I catch myself laughting uncontrolable at myself in the shower thinking: oh its the small good things in life that brings a smile and makes you happy :husky_laughing:
I believe in saying yes to life and can't wait to do it again. For now I'm saying "Come on man, one week, that's all I'm asking."
I had a masseuse in Glasgow who once pointed out to me that in 5 years I'd been for 5 massages and they were all within a 2 week period of the start of November. I was just craving human touch as the SAD kicked in!
I love driving/riding, and I think I am actually a good and reliable driver. I have had 3 bikes and 2 cars so far and made dozens of thousands kilometers with only one accident caused by me and involving just me - slid off a motorcycle on unexpected gravel in curve. I also made a complete restoration of one of my cars, which was a youngtimer.
I love driving/riding, and I think I am actually a good and reliable driver. I have had 3 bikes and 2 cars so far and made dozens of thousands kilometers with only one accident caused by me and involving just me - slid off a motorcycle on unexpected gravel in curve. I also made a complete restoration of one of my cars, which was a youngtimer.
Oh my gosh, my last motorcycle crash happened the same way! I went off the road and flew over the handlebars though lol.
Oh my gosh, my last motorcycle crash happened the same way! I went off the road and flew over the handlebars though lol.
Oh god, I hope it did no harm to you, I was quite lucky, to be honest, had a propper gearing and missed all the trees while sliding. Bad thing is I slid off the edge of the road and down the hill into bushes, so if I were to get hurt, people would have hard time finding me there...
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Oh god, I hope it did no harm to you, I was quite lucky, to be honest, had a propper gearing and missed all the trees while sliding. Bad thing is I slided off the edge of the road and down the hill into bushes, so if I were to get hurt, people would have hard time finding me there...
That's scary! I'm glad you were ok! I did pretty much the same thing but tried to ride down into the ditch to save my bike. Front tire went into a deep hole and pogo sticked me over the handlebars. I of course managed to smack into the only big tree upside down and backwards probably 4 feet up and break every branch with my head on the way down lol. Then my bike tried to land on me. I had gear on too thankfully and only my shoulder hurt. I actually pulled my bike out, then rode 100 miles home sore af with no rear brake. Good times.
That's scary! I'm glad you were ok! I did pretty much the same thing but tried to ride down into the ditch to save my bike. Front tire went into a deep hole and pogo sticked me over the handlebars. I of course managed to smack into the only big tree upside down and backwards probably 4 feet up and break every branch with my head on the way down lol. Then my bike tried to land on me. I had gear on too thankfully and only my shoulder hurt. I actually pulled my bike out, then rode 100 miles home sore af with no rear brake. Good times.
Well, that is really scary, good thing it ended up with "just" this
Well, that is really scary, good thing it ended up with "just" this
My last crash was with a jeep in the mountains with two of my colleagues with me. High mountains thunderstorm, wet gravel road, lost control of the car. We were real lucky, that I managed to get the car to slide into the right ditch (mostly luck, though). That way the car just rolled to times and was totaled, but we were unhurt.
If we'd slipped to the left, we'd have tumbled down the mountain a few hundred metres.
I have a fully equiped darkroom and I still occasionally develop my films. It's fun
I am active cosplayer of one anime character, and as far as I know, I am the only one at least in central Europe who cosplays this particular character.
Before I got born I had a female name, and changed after I got out of the womb. Do not know for how long I had it, and always wondered if I got born with both bits or not. No clue xD