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For the males what is your favorite animal pussy

Thats a tough one. Just sex no feelings involved id have to say mare. But if you are talking whole experience id have to go with dog.
Not a man, but my favorites are goats, bitches, hyenas (not sure I should even call it a pussy lol, more like a huge clit), dolphins, and cattle.
Visually, since I've never had the fortune to have any non-human lovers, I've always liked mares. I've seen some very sexy cats on CatCollection - my favorite is:
I have this and a tigress rolling in the snow on my screensaver slideshow, and get an erotic hit every time they come up.


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Hands down mares. But a very close second goes to dogs. Theres nothing like a wiling mare that's winking on your cock and clit massages your balls as you go in. I will say that you can be more passionate in love making with dogs and I love that. There's just something about mares. Oh! And when they cum! Man it's glorious. Or when they pin you against a wall and grind your cock into them. Now that's an experience.
Would have to say mare, not just for the feel but for the whole package, yes she feels great but when she looks back at you, wow, her whole form is just stunning, second would be goat with a full udder, to lay with you is trust plus you get some milk on your Weetabix, strong way to start the day
Having only been in a cow, im gonna say cow. I'd like to try a mare, sow, and ewe though.
cows are awesome, soft warm and makes the penis skin feel good after, just that there is no guarantee if she doesn't want to poop in the middle of it, so if you are squeamish about poop, well I'll say no more
I have been with both dogs and mares and they each have their pros. But for me it would have to be dogs because I have had really passionate sex with a couple of dogs in the past.
cows are awesome, soft warm and makes the penis skin feel good after, just that there is no guarantee if she doesn't want to poop in the middle of it, so if you are squeamish about poop, well I'll say no more
A brave man don't afraid to get a little dirty