Very sexy....that is a big horse. ...big mouth. Love it...I want to dive in.
Only french style.can you imagine kissing this horse.......wow.....so sexy.....
Wow,,,,,glad to see others thinking about it. So sexy... draft horses with sweaty necks... and foamy mouths... I want to hug and kiss them... get all wet with their sweat... and foam. I love to to lay my face on a horses back after a ride... get wet with his sweat... smells incredible...,
Sure do not know where it comes from....always been there as long as I can remember. Watching horses in a parade....foamy mouths... dropping saliva as they come by.... just Pure sex and desire for me.
Thanks Apollo77 for sharing...I have one of the pics in my collection. .the 2nd one with the braided nose and is incredibly sexy....I have 2 views of that. There is another one which is a side view.that is a lot of saliva before it gets too foamy...can you imagine kissing him... and getting a whole mouth full of his saliva...
The first one is really sexy. Too..but like the other one.... lots of saliva pouring out....would love to get all of that in my mouth.... would take 3 Swallows for sure.
I’m sure to some of you that is a sick thing.....but to me ...nothing is sexier .
I have been with male dogs... always have a dog... but their mouths don’t do anything at all to me...actually quite disgusting when they drool.
But horses and cows drive me nuts...