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Dogs are all protected. It’s us. I’m also referring to ticks now not just fleas. Fleas aren’t really an issue surprisingly.
Some places, they arent. Humidity and Temp play a part. The reason I asked about the dogs is....if the fleas cant bite the dogs, because the dogs repel them....smell bad, taste bad or what have you....who are they going to bite? Because they HAVE TO BITE to breed. My recommendation has always been treat the premises first, then after a couple days, treat the dog or cat. And keep vacuuming til you're tired of it. that way, the adults that aren't killed immediately have a target that isnt you.

As far as ticks are concerned, In the yard theres a thing called Damminix thats useful or you can make them....pm me if you want to know how; that knowledge can be dangerous for the amateurs among us. But if you feed birds...Stop after mid March latest...the birds are a tick delivery service. You can resume feeding in November or after the first frost.
Some places, they arent. Humidity and Temp play a part. The reason I asked about the dogs is....if the fleas cant bite the dogs, because the dogs repel them....smell bad, taste bad or what have you....who are they going to bite? Because they HAVE TO BITE to breed. My recommendation has always been treat the premises first, then after a couple days, treat the dog or cat. And keep vacuuming til you're tired of it. that way, the adults that aren't killed immediately have a target that isnt you.

As far as ticks are concerned, In the yard theres a thing called Damminix thats useful or you can make them....pm me if you want to know how; that knowledge can be dangerous for the amateurs among us. But if you feed birds...Stop after mid March latest...the birds are a tick delivery service. You can resume feeding in November or after the first frost.
We already us the tubes. Actually I believe that’s what kept the population down after last year’s winter broke. It hit -20 last year and all the cotton was gone by the time I found them scattered around the property. All together between treating for bugs along with the chickens eating them with the mice it’s helped. It was a funny cycle for a bit. Ticks fed on the mice, copperheads ate the mice along with one young chicken and then came the black snakes. The saviors.
Makes sense. They are not hard to find or that expensive. Used two to get rid of a huge wasp nest in my house.
I had this situation happen once. What you are going to have to do is to rent a storage facility. You are going to have to move all of your possessions and furniture into storage. You are going to have to go to the vet and have them give your pets a flea pill. Then you will have to stay in a motel with your dogs for about three days. You are going to have to flea-bomb your house at least three times. It sucks, but sometimes that is what it takes. Go into your house and sleep on an air mattress on the floor, if you wake up with fleas then flea bomb the house again. Usually, three flea bombings are what it takes. You have a flea infestation. Once you pass an all-nighter with no fleas then you can move your stuff back into the house.
Lice are not the same type of problem. They do not survive off a host. But no....Do not try to use a prep set up for animals on yourself. These things are toxic.
Something very aromatic, like cheap aftershave has a repellent quality that helps a lot. Rubbing alcohol watered down a little can work, but I always used Brut, or Hai Karate( dollar store items today).

Another issue is hyper allergenics. Some people will display what looks like ten bites for any one genuine bite....they will all itch and scab too. A doctor can give you more info.

One last Thing....are you sure its fleas, and not bedbugs?

One last Thing....are you sure its fleas, and not bedbugs? If the bites are random, fleas may be the issue, but if they are
( a: not in your hair
(b: in places like the backs of your hands on arms and around your neck
(c: any place that WONT be under your covers at the time youre deeply asleep

Theres a good possibility they're from bedbugs. Even seeing a fkea doesnt rule that out. If its that persistent a problem...call a pro.
To a start, I talk about known bugs in my area, Northern Europe.
Maybe there is other type of insects where she lives ?
It could of course be bedbugs - but, she wrote that she has it in her hair, between legs and in her boobs (must be ‘on’)
She doesn’t write whether she can see the fleas (jump around) or it is bites.
I once had fleas from my cat... good luck the next 2-3 month.... think I still have some scars on my legs...
I had this situation happen once. What you are going to have to do is to rent a storage facility. You are going to have to move all of your possessions and furniture into storage. You are going to have to go to the vet and have them give your pets a flea pill. Then you will have to stay in a motel with your dogs for about three days. You are going to have to flea-bomb your house at least three times. It sucks, but sometimes that is what it takes. Go into your house and sleep on an air mattress on the floor, if you wake up with fleas then flea bomb the house again. Usually, three flea bombings are what it takes. You have a flea infestation. Once you pass an all-nighter with no fleas then you can move your stuff back into the house.
Sure did THAT the hard and expensive way. And moving the furniture isnt a good idea, unless its all wood. Upholstered furniture is a harborage for larvae and pupae....Move the furniture, move the fleas. Unless that bomb had an IGR in it, you be better off burning the place and rebuilding. If it ever happens again, ask me. I can save you some effort and some bread
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I once had fleas from my cat... good luck the next 2-3 month.... think I still have some scars on my legs...
That why mama told you not to scratch. Cats present different problems as fleas go. Always watch for where they sleep. Those will be Hotspot areas.Treat those areas FIRST.
That why mama told you not to scratch. Cats present different problems as fleas go. Always watch for where they sleep. Those will be Hotspot areas.Treat those areas FIRST.
Yeah I know... but the scratching urge was too strong. The cat sleeped in my bed without my knowledge... wasn't too pleased about that later...
Daily hoovering and changing the bed linen didn't really helped either. After 3 month or so the last flea finally died. That was an annoying time...
I'm clean, my house is clean, I shower every night, but I get up in the morning and have fleas on me. In my hair, top and bottom... I mean, I obviously have close contact with my guys, and that's why they end up on me.
I've been exterminated, but still fleas. Yes they have drops. I've treated their sleeping area and bedding and washed.
Still, I have fleas between my legs and in my boobs
That's rough Hun.
You gotta hunt them down any way you can and be patient. It can take weeks to get them all if you got an outbreak.
Yeah I know... but the scratching urge was too strong. The cat sleeped in my bed without my knowledge... wasn't too pleased about that later...
Daily hoovering and changing the bed linen didn't really helped either. After 3 month or so the last flea finally died. That was an annoying time...
I know...been there. But chances are, you may have been bringing them onto the bed on your legs as you climbed in. They might come up on the cat but generally they'd still be biting that cat...unless you banished the cat from the room....then their only choice is you.
I had a little giggle reading this post and the comments, all I could think was if I was still with my previous gf and she even thought her dog had fleas him and I would both be wearing flea collars and I would be sleeping on the floor.
I had a little giggle reading this post and the comments, all I could think was if I was still with my previous gf and she even thought her dog had fleas him and I would both be wearing flea collars and I would be sleeping on the floor.
Believe me... if you had experience with fleas in your live, than there is nothing funny about that. I'm so glad the human flea got eradicated in most of the world. Can't think about how bad this one would be.
I had a little giggle reading this post and the comments, all I could think was if I was still with my previous gf and she even thought her dog had fleas him and I would both be wearing flea collars and I would be sleeping on the floor.
We use dawn dish washing liquid and Diatomaceous earth with calcium bentonite. Have to get it from a co-op store for live stock. This stuff is awesome. You can put it everywhere. It's totally safe for humans and animals. It's even safe for you and your animals to digest. You can dust your animals with it. Spread it in their bed's and yours too. It's good for flea's, ticks, roaches, lice, beddugs, and anything that has an exoskeleton. Tried and proven. Good luck with the flea issue. Fair warning though. Using dawn dries a dog's skin out so we suggest using an oatmeal conditioner afterwards to help keep from drying your loved ones skin out.
I had a little giggle reading this post and the comments, all I could think was if I was still with my previous gf and she even thought her dog had fleas him and I would both be wearing flea collars and I would be sleeping on the floor.
Heres a better giggle....You and the dog AND She would likely all still be being bitten
Yes...that is the problem...that happens to me often...
Maybe also they catch fleas from some other anumals if they were in close contact...
Yup. Especially if you live suburban/rural areas, deer tend to wander through and repopulate the fleas and such.

Borax on carpets and bedding for, say 10 hours or so, will tend to kill just about anything - can be dusted on and vacuumed up, and is safe for mammals up to ridiculous concentrations (the toxicity is from dehydration, not chemical action of the borax so much - the LD50 is higher for table salt)

Outside, there are flakes you can get that work pretty well, but I've also hung mops soaked with flea dip around a salt lick, and the deer get treated. Find where they're bedding down and you can toss the flea flakes out around the area and they'll get "treated" as well. Comes in a red metallic bag, I forget the name, but it's one of the Bug-B-Gone brands, but specifically for fleas and ticks, and then a laundry list of other items.

The mop thing was ok, but messy to set up - but worth it if it's a really big problem. There are actual devices like this for cattle and livestock, so maybe invest in one of those, and put some deer attractant in the vicinity, so they have to walk under one or another to get to, say, a salt lick, or some tasty greens.
My sister used to have a couple cats that she had adopted from someone we found out later was a breeder. The cats were sick and passed away quickly but their fleas had already moved in and were merciless in attacking me. I could be sitting on my bed with my legs hanging down watching tv, look down a few minutes later to have about 20 fleas on me. It got so bad i became allervic to their saliva. Instead of buying different chemicals to try i did the most simple thing first. I set a bowl of water with a little soap added on the floor by my bed and in the living room. The fleas would jump in and couldn't jump out because of the soap. They sank so in the morning I would wake up to dozens of dead fleas in the bowls i had set out. It took about a month or so but we finally got rid of the fleas. I know your circumstances are different but it could not hurt to try right?
99% propably inside your bed- get it heat threated or your entire house heat threated
OK, Bed! Get rid of those damned fleas, or I'm gonna make you warm!!!

(The word you're looking for is a variation of "treat". A "threat" is more along the lines of "Get the fuck outta here or I'm gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass, then kick it dry!")
OK, Bed! Get rid of those damned fleas, or I'm gonna make you warm!!!

(The word you're looking for is a variation of "treat". A "threat" is more along the lines of "Get the fuck outta here or I'm gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass, then kick it dry!")
no, actually they seem to be inside your head already