A.) people in general are flaky. I expect this, real life or internet. More so on the net. I go in expecting a flake out. Tickled if it turns out they aren't flaky. More than happy to HAVE a conversation.
B.) I think this is common is ALL forms of human,........ i.e. I don't think it to be any more or less common in beast community.
C.) I will flake on you as well, if you are rude, pushy, or otherwise annoying.
D.) Or, if it becomes apparent that I am the only party actually conversing. If I'm writing a paragraph and the other party is doing 3 or 4 word responses consistently, it's not really a conversation, it's me carrying the load by myself more or less. That means it's time for me to exit. The topic is irrelevant, great conversation can literally be about ANY topic, but, the minimum requirement for a good or even functional conversation is TWO people. Period. Full Stop.
E.) For some reason, talk went to when one person bails and the other refuses to acknowledge that fact and continues to message, at which point I said I would ignore that behavior up to a certain point. Once that point has arrived, I will respond and do so in a manner that makes it impossible for that person to still retain the idea that I wish to continue the "chat". It may be pointedly worded, it may be a complete flame. That would be based solely on the manner in which THAT person has conducted themselves.
F.) If it gets to that point, so be it. I'll make my point, and that's that. It's back to ignoring them, should they not get the "hint". MOST times, that will be that and it all ends there. If not, there is an ignore feature for this very reason. Time to use it.
G.) At NO POINT am I obligated to remain in a conversation of any type, good or bad. PERIOD. I have manners and courtesy, if I'm finished with a conversation, I WILL let you know in an appropriate manner if it actually was a 2 party conversation, if it wasn't that, see above.
H.) At NO POINT am I obligated to maintain YOUR illusion of any conversation (this is the part for people who don't seem to be aware, mentioned earlier in point E)
I.) I'm adding this point here to CLARIFY any misunderstanding remaining. If someone refuses to accept reality, that's NOT my problem. Nor is it a responsibility of mine to continue to be courteous to someone who is more or less harassing me, which is what it is when someone refuses to get the memo and continues to message you when it's been made clear that the conversation is now over. Understand too, that by harassing, I do NOT mean that person sent 1 or 2 messages past the point I considered the conversation over. I am speaking of continued unrelenting attempts. WELL past 1 or 2 times.
J.) I will talk to literally anyone. Further, I am an adult and I carry myself in an adult fashion. Chat CAN be about whatever, but, there ARE topics that I won't discus with certain people. For instance, I will not talk about man on man sex. I WILL talk to gay men, but not in a sexual manner. If that's your thing, that's great. It isn't mine and whoever is on the other end should respect that. By the same token, should I breach a subject the other party doesn't wish to speak about, it's on ME to respect that going forward. That's common courtesy and basic human respect.
K.) If the things I've said seem to be unreasonable, I don't know what to tell you. I guess we can agree to disagree.