Nah, look at how the grey is positioned. You're SUPPOSED TO think he's at 90 degrees to the wall behind him, but the reality is he's probably at about a 45-60 degree angle to the camera, with his head close, and his ass further away. Look at his near-side hind foot, then look at his front, and how they're placed in relation to the parking-space line - his head is a good bit closer than his ass. Look at the distortion of his neck compared to his body - he's HIDEOUSLY out of proportion with himself if that's a true photo, rather than staged to make him look bigger than he is. He looks like a cross between a horse and a giraffe. Look at the "wall" behind him - looks like some sort of tent/temporary canvas structure. Look at the seam in it just above the height of his rump - That's going to be either 8 (most likely) or 6 (possible, but much less likely) feet off the ground. The horse is standing AT LEAST 4 inches lower than where grade would be at the edge of the tent wall. There's no way in hell that horse's butt is 8+ feet high. That's 24 hands and then some - probably closer to, if not more than, 25 hands above the pavement he's standing on. By comparison, the current holder of the title "biggest horse in the world" is Big Jake, a 22-and-change hand belgian. This boy would have to be a foot taller than that. Look at the chain-link fence behind the girl - That's probably your standard 5 foot high, "please don't cut through here" gate (as opposed to higher security 6-10 foot high "We're serious, keep the hell out!" fencing) and based on the parking space stripes, and what looks like two lanes worth of driveway behind her, the distance to it is probably about 18-25 feet behind her. She's "too big" in comparison. Jockey or not, she's not in proportion to everything else we're seeing. Look at the curb behind the horse - if it's the typical 5 inches high, which it APPEARS to be, based on comparing it to the width of the parking space stripes, use it to measure him - I come up with just a hair over 18 hands using that as a "scale". No question he's a good big boy, but also no question the shot is set up to make you THINK he's a lot bigger than he actually is if you only take a quick look at it.