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Favorite breed of dog

I'll always be fond of the looks of a husky or a shepherd but the good natured thick and fluffy golden retriever has to be my favorite.
St. Bernard's have always been at the top of my list and I love having one currently. But also Shepherds, Danes, Goldens, Bloodhounds, Labs and Springer Spaniels. Hoping to get another one soon, just not sure what breed.
Mi favourite female dog breeds.

First place for argentin dog.
Then Great Dane, boxer, Dobermann, masstif, dalmatien, rottweiler, Siberian husky, staffy, and some other breed resembling these breeds
For a dog lover this is a brutally difficult question to answer. It’s like asking a pastry chef what’s your favorite pastry? LOL. I’m drawn to female k9’s, and have narrowed it down to Goldens, Rotties, American Bullies, Danes and Boxers. That being said, there are so many other breeds and crossbreeds that I also love.
Had a thing for Huskies... German Shepherds sort of. I've kinda find border collies interesting, not that I've had any of these. Most I've done is a golden retriever
I had a blue heeler when i was young living on the farm, but also one of the farm dogs was a bernese m and f. Had a dobie shep cross in my 30s (after the army when I could have one). Cant have one at the moment, complex doesnt allow anything bigger than a hamster. I would def like to get a pitty or lab.