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Family members pressuring to have me neuter my dog and saying if I don't do it they will do it behind my back

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She has even told me that she will have it done weather I like it or not even tho hes 100% my dog. Tags, Chip and paperwork all in my name. I've already called the 2 vets I go to in the area and the ones she goes to to let them know do not Neuter my dog if she brings it in.
This is so vile. I'm sure these are the same types of people who ask you about having children and all that and when you say "I don't want to" they get all upset or say "well you never know" over and over again. Absolutely only thinks for their own gain and not about the lives of others. Selfish.
You might point out, that having ANYTHING done to YOUR dog, without YOUR permission, is illegal. Then ask your mother... Yes; your MOTHER - if she's willing to go to jail over the issue.
"Family" or not, sometimes you have to BE hard with people, to get them to mind their own damned business, and STOP forcing their desires and opinions on YOUR life.
Your mother is a st..... bi.....

Change the locks on the door and keep the dog locked up. Tell your mother that the dog is your property, if she touches it you will file a report.

I had relatives like that when I was young, but luckily I was a jerk even then and I disturbed them in a disgustingly vulgar way.
And I locked up my dogs.
Without subjective moral conjecture. If breeding is not planned and there is no breeding value then it is better to castrate. The risk of escape is reduced, there are fewer stray dogs and puppies, the risk of certain diseases is lower, training is easier, sometimes aggression decreases. The risks of the procedure itself are minimal, and if you do not take into account morality and ethics (personal), then there is no reason not to perform the operation. But it's always up to the owner to decide.
If breeding is not planned and there is no breeding value then it is better to castrate.
and if you do not take into account morality and ethics (personal), then there is no reason not to perform the operation.


It has been known for a long time that "the number of health problems associated with (castration of male dogs) may exceed the associated health benefits in most cases".

For females it is more nuanced, with the likes of mammary tumors and closed pyometra being non-trivial risks.

Early neutering is, in general, also a bad idea for skeletomuscular development. Doubly so for large breeds...

Sanborn's paper has been around for 15 years now and there have been various other studies since, not least due to breed-specific issues.

With regards to "escaping", anyone who has a dog that regularly escapes needs to consider what they are doing wrong (not the dog).
Without subjective moral conjecture. If breeding is not planned and there is no breeding value then it is better to castrate. The risk of escape is reduced, there are fewer stray dogs and puppies, the risk of certain diseases is lower, training is easier, sometimes aggression decreases. The risks of the procedure itself are minimal, and if you do not take into account morality and ethics (personal), then there is no reason not to perform the operation. But it's always up to the owner to decide.
Why does a zoophile site have to explain why neutering is bad? Are there really that many idiots here?
For females it is more nuanced, with the likes of mammary tumors and closed pyometra being non-trivial risks.
I tend to think most bitches should be spayed around 6 or so, depending of course on breed specifics.

With regards to "escaping", anyone who has a dog that regularly escapes needs to consider what they are doing wrong (not the dog).
Plus, just because a dog with balls get out doesn't mean there will be puppies as there's another side that needs to be present and receptive for that to happen (which you know I am sure, but I think sometimes needs mentioning as the mantra gets repeated so often)

Why does a zoophile site have to explain why neutering is bad? Are there really that many idiots here?

I would argue that neitering isn't bad if done for the right reasons. It's often not what a zoophile wants, but our wants shuld be secondary to heath and well being.
egoldstein said:
twelvepaws said:
Why does a zoophile site have to explain why neutering is bad? Are there really that many idiots here?
I would argue that neitering isn't bad if done for the right reasons. It's often not what a zoophile wants, but our wants shuld be secondary to heath and well being.
But this is a healthy dog...

That doesn't change the truth of the statement that it isn't bad if done for the right reasons. I think my earlier comments in this thread make it clear that I don't think this dog should be neutered and in fact don't think most dogs should be, but that there are times when it's the right choice for the dog's health, regardless of how much we might desire otherwise.

As for why would a zoophile have to explain why neutering is bad? That's the point of the post. OP's family want to neuter the dog, OP doesn't. OP needs to explain to their family why neutering isn't the best choice; obviously OP can't just say they're wanting to fuck the dog, so OP needs to consider arguments against neutering to present to their family.
Les problèmes de comportement qui viennent avec des chiens non neutres sont un mythe fait pour contrôler la population des animaux. Le chien est en votre nom ?
si cela signifie clairement que s'ils vont dans votre dos et neuter votre chien vous vous assurerez qu'ils auront fini pour mutiler votre animal sans votre consentement.
Neuter un chien plus tard dans la vie peut causer des problèmes physiologiques et leur dire la raison pour laquelle vous ne voulez pas le neuter est parce que vous pensez que c'est cruel et inutile et peut causer plus de mal que de bien
I would rather say that castrated a dog before the end of its growth is more prejudice than after its growth, of course I remain against connivance castration in order to solve everything and anything these days..?
Sans conjecture morale subjective. Si l'élevage n'est pas prévu et qu'il n'y a pas de valeur d'élevage, il vaut mieux castraire. Le risque d'évasion est réduit, il y a moins de chiens et de chiots errants, le risque de certaines maladies est plus faible, la formation est plus facile, parfois l'agression diminue. Les risques de la procédure elle-même sont minimes, et si vous ne prenez pas en compte la moralité et l'éthique (personnelle), il n'y a aucune raison de ne pas faire l'opération. Mais... C'est toujours au propriétaire de décider.
this is a completely ridiculous & silly answer. I recommend that you be castrated as there is a human overpopulation...?
Another one who has his brain well lobotomized by veterinarians and associations who thinks to solve everything from this kind of barbaric act and move. when there are thousands of dogs from illegal breeding from eastern countries... Ridiculous!!!!
I'm sure there's an issue here about routine infant circumcision in the US. I'm so glad I'm in Europe where that horrific mutilation isn't routinely practiced. But that's an argument for another day.
Why was that even brought up? Not even educated on the subject to talk about it.
Sounds like what happened to my girl; Due to her not being in my name since a family member dumped a puppy onto me, they went behind my back and had her spayed. I managed to put it off until she was over two and a half years old. (They would have spayed her as a puppy but I brow beat a vet into admitting to them how bad that would have been for her health)

She now has permanent unary incontinence that has to be controlled by medication, not to mention the LIFE THREATENING infection she got from the unneeded surgery.

And they still try to say it was the right thing to do, despite her nearly dying.

Unless there's a REAL medical reason for the animals health & safety, just don't, and don't let anyone bully you into it.
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