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Fake User Awareness Thread

Well you are very right.
I just didn't go into details, such as whether-or-not to become friends, the time it takes, and the vetting of them. If I did, it would be far too long of a post.
I just kept it short, sweet, and simple.
Haha, vetting, snork.
Hey, what happened to all the entertaining bickering we used to have here and in the dumpster? Everyone mellow now? - boring.

Fight to the death for my amusement!
They are almost always women between the ages of 18-22.
Their whole attitude and all their posts are in the "I'm the biggest slut in the world" style.
Either they've fucked a few dozen animals, or it is their all-time dream.
You can tell from their posts that they would fuck anything with a dick and 4 legs.
👆Well, these are some of the red flags.
Also communism. Huge red flag there....
I have received some requests for private messages from some users who were later banned, some pretending to be women and others pretending to have sex with their pets and you realized that it was not like that.
I have also sincerely asked for photos privately, and with the person who said no, I still chat, maybe I do it because I like exhibitionism and I have no problem sending photos, but never showing my face.
They are almost always women between the ages of 18-22.
Their whole attitude and all their posts are in the "I'm the biggest slut in the world" style.
Either they've fucked a few dozen animals, or it is their all-time dream.
You can tell from their posts that they would fuck anything with a dick and 4 legs.
👆Well, these are some of the red flags.
You do realize, don't you, there really are women who are:
- "Between the ages of 18-22," and really are the "biggest sluts in the world."
- Really do "dream of fucking a few dozen animals."
- Really would fuck "anything with a dick and four legs."

You referred to your list as red flags. As red flags, what do they indicate? Since a"fake" is a male posing as female, those are inaccurate indicators of that, since there are many, many such women on the site, and in real life. I personally know quite a few of them offline, and they would have no reservations about saying so on a website.
My point: I know you don't like them, but, such women really do exist, and there is nothing saying they are male posing as female.
You do realize, don't you, there really are women who are:
- "Between the ages of 18-22," and really are the "biggest sluts in the world."
- Really do "dream of fucking a few dozen animals."
- Really would fuck "anything with a dick and four legs."

You referred to your list as red flags. As red flags, what do they indicate? Since a"fake" is a male posing as female, those are inaccurate indicators of that, since there are many, many such women on the site, and in real life. I personally know quite a few of them offline, and they would have no reservations about saying so on a website.
My point: I know you don't like them, but, such women really do exist, and there is nothing saying they are male posing as female.
statistics confirm my words. :)
Quite a few fakes have bite the dust already.
I don't remember them all, but such legends as TammCa, MongrelGal and KerryJane are not easily forgotten. And they all fit the description. :D
statistics confirm my words. :)
Quite a few fakes have bite the dust already.
I don't remember them all, but such legends as TammCa, MongrelGal and KerryJane are not easily forgotten. And they all fit the description. :D
TammCa was banned for posting (or approving of) cp. kerijane was banned for claiming internet images. I don't know the other member. Is it your contention they were all males?
Unfortunately they do.
I'm able to post here because of commies, because without them, I would never have been born in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I hate them and what they did, but I would still not exist had they not done what they did.
I'm able to post here because of commies, because without them, I would never have been born in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I hate them and what they did, but I would still not exist had they not done what they did.
Yes, I understood you. A series of events, good and bad, see to other events, including your own appearance, right? 🤗
Aw come on...
You people are the type Still thinking Time is linear, biologic sexuality is binary and the Earth is flat??
Doesn't Dr.Who hace teached you a thing or two?


Btw... there is no cure for age, but aging cueres ham
Oh, come on...
Are you the type who still thinks time is linear, biological sexuality is binary, and the Earth is flat?
Hasn't Doctor Who taught you a thing or two?


By the way... there is no cure for time, but aged ham can be cured.
No matter how old you are, the problem is feeling old, and I don't feel old, although some ailments make themselves felt.
Hey guys,

So I've had a couple responses to my ads in the meet up section now, that have been fakes looking to speak to me, get to know me / meet me for whatever reason, but it is not because they are genuine owners. They are blatantly fake. I've just had another contact me today who conveniently owns one of each animal that I've been specifically requesting in the meet up section (I'm a girl), and who is also conveniently the same heritage me, which I've posted in a couple discussions on this forum where it comes up in topic, they're also a Lurker... go figure. So I think starting a thread where we can all post the usernames of fake or very suspicious accounts on here would be a good safety measure, if anyone has been contacted by someone & they're unsure of them, they can check this thread to see if anyone has any trouble with them or not. Two accounts I can confidently say are fake are K9Taboo and esmee._x . I simply don't respond to them.
thedogboi also seems to be a fake owner