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Estranged from family after talking about it

The first thing you need to understand is even the LGBT+ community looks down on people who do this kind of thing. It's almost universally revolting to those who aren't wired the same way. It's going to take a LOT of time before the mainstream even remotely warms up to the small, miniscule possibility that this could be okay.

That being said, under no circumstances should you ever tell anyone. And I mean EVER. Never bring it up, even in gest. Don't hint to it, don't allude to it, don't have literature on it. I get that people don't want to hide but there are very real problems with the mainstream and this lifestyle.

A prime example: Pedos. It's universally abhorrent. Everyone, everywhere wants to smash their heads in and for good reason. It isn't okay, it'll never be okay. But you know what? People that are attracted to kids are pushing for special labels like MAP (minor attracted person) and they are trying to do the same thing that's happening here: Get included in the LGBT+ spectrum. No happening. It'll never be accepted by the mainstream and it would be suicide (both figuratively and literally in some cases) to admit you're MAP.

The damage is done, I understand this. However, in future, and this goes for anyone: Unless you're with someone who actively engages in this, NEVER bring it up. At all. It can be used against you something fierce even if the person you told today nothing.


Unfortunately, this entire thread is a perfect testament to the why of me being so flat-out hostile to the wannabe tub-thumpers that want to do the alphabet-soup brigade thing and "get loud-n-proud" about being zoo.

The only thing that can be accomplished is people (and more important to me, their critters, if they have any) getting the societal equivalent of a broken off telephone pole shoved up their ass.

Problem is, the loudest of that bunch (Yeah, I'm looking directly at you, @ZTHorse and @SigmatoZeta ) likely won't bother to consider such things - They're so convinced they're gonna "save the zoos" that they'll keep right on thumping until they drag us all, whether we want to be part of it or not, squarely onto John Q. Public's radar. Which is when the *REAL* fun gets rolling. These kids don't comprehend the reality that staying out of sight means safety. Those smart enough to keep their heads down will be passed over unnoticed. And similarly, those who decide there's some sort of benefit (I still haven't gotten an answer to what that benefit might actually be) to standing up and spouting off about it after the "Let's rise up and demand our rights" crowd have preached their stupidity to them long enough to convince them to actually try coming out, and suddenly find out that they're standing at ground zero with "the bomb" inches above their head. The best that can be hoped is that their critters (if any) will be spared, but that's likely to be a vain hope.

And for what? So they can wear the latest "Me so speshul! Me fuck dogs!" badge? So they can fuck Fido in the town square? One helluva payoff, that...
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Unfortunately, this entire thread is a perfect testament to the why of me being so flat-out hostile to the wannabe tub-thumpers that want to do the alphabet-soup brigade thing and "get loud-n-proud" about being zoo.

The only thing that can be accomplished is people (and more important to me, their critters, if they have any) getting the societal equivalent of a broken off telephone pole shoved up their ass.

Problem is, the loudest of that bunch (Yeah, I'm looking directly at you, @ZTHorse and @SigmatoZeta ) likely won't bother to consider such things - They're so convinced they're gonna "save the zoos" that they'll keep right on thumping until they drag us all, whether we want to be part of it or not, squarely onto John Q. Public's radar. Which is when the *REAL* fun gets rolling. These kids don't comprehend the reality that staying out of sight means safety. Those smart enough to keep their heads down will be passed over unnoticed. And similarly, those who decide there's some sort of benefit (I still haven't gotten an answer to what that benefit might actually be) to standing up and spouting off about it after the "Let's rise up and demand our rights" crowd have preached their stupidity to them long enough to convince them to actually try coming out, and suddenly find out that they're standing at ground zero with "the bomb" inches above their head. The best that can be hoped is that their critters (if any) will be spared, but that's likely to be a vain hope.

And for what? So they can wear the latest "Me so speshul! Me fuck dogs!" badge? So they can fuck Fido in the town square? One helluva payoff, that...
Aw shit, why’d you have to @ he who shall not be named? Didn’t you learn anything from my mistake in the “Fighting the Good Fight” thread?

Well on the bright side, he says he ignores you, so maybe he’ll stay away.
Aw shit, why’d you have to @ he who shall not be named? Didn’t you learn anything from my mistake in the “Fighting the Good Fight” thread?

Well on the bright side, he says he ignores you, so maybe he’ll stay away.
It was deliberate - I want the pinhead to see what comes of his brand of stupid.
Another person who thought it was a good idea to tell their parents. How many times do I have to say this? WE ARE NOT THE LGBT! No! Noooooo! You do not tell anyone. This is what happens when you listen to one of the Zoo Rights fuck-tards who want to join the LGBT and start a social "movement."