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Don’t Wake the Mods!

neither am i, they are not very welcoming nor cozy because everyone is treading so lightly trying not to be accused of zoo and virtue signaling as antizoo all the time.
i just thought it was funny that on the most popular furry site in existence, 90,000 people (literally over 1/8 of the site) are subscribed to a porn artist, even though many furries make a big deal over porn not being a big part of the fandom.
It seems to be a common theme here too. Don’t get me wrong there are some amazing people on this site and I enjoy their company very much. But there are also just a bunch of thirsty assholes who just wanna get their dick wet. And not only that, they ask other people who have legitimate romantic relationship with their animals if they can “borrow her for a night”. Do they seriously expect us to be like sure, just bring her back when your done!
yeah, i have to say, there is a bit of poor behavior on this site. for me, the first day i made my account, someone started a message conversation with me. we talked, he asked questions, and when he asked me if i had ever had sex and i said no, the conversation ended and i never heard from him ever again.

luckily, my first impression of the site was in the forums where i lurked and saw people like UR20Z, BlueBeard, Reconscope, Wasbitchpolly, Pillar, SigmatoZeta, and other pleasant people to give me a good first taste. i understand why some people would not like the site, though
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I lurked here for some time as well. Floofy was actually the one of the ones that stood out to me, because he expressed how much he loved his doggy girl. For a long time I thought I was alone in the sense I saw her as my romantic partner. So I reached out to him and he told me to participate in the threads and I would make friends. And he wasn’t wrong.
i can remember the day floofy became a mod, and i had actually been lurking since before floofy even joined
maybe that had something to do with his promotion
I kinda remember of a time before he was a mod. But he was definitely here before I was. And I always thought ZT was the one who picked the mods. But I’m not sure how he goes about it.
58.5 i just thought, however mods are picked, that floofy fits the bill as a "true zoo"

i am kind of scared that us saying floofy's name so much will summon him to our location :oops: