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Don’t Wake the Mods!

Should have stopped at it 64
i was going to, but the house was actually privately bought, and no longer out for rent, so i could not.
it was at that florida house that i found out my home state passed its antizoo law, i looked into why such a law would be passed, and in my search for an answer i lost my blissful illusions and realized just how disliked zoo is in the world, which had been luckily hidden from me by phenomenal luck for years before
71 yes i am glad i found this place. that search for a reason why zoo is hated actually led me here, so i guess that is one positive thing about it. before i lived in isolation, and never would have imagined a zoo community existed
95 that same night, i had 3 more lighthearted dreams
one where i was browsing zooville forums
one where i was walking up a 22 mile vertical cylindrical garden
and one about peppa pig, for some reason, but the pigs became humans