Chiara2003 Esteemed Citizen of ZV Mar 27, 2023 #93,410 15? - YouTube W YouTube możesz cieszyć się filmami i muzyką, które lubisz, przesyłać oryginalne treści i udostępniać je swoim bliskim, znajomym i całemu światu. youtu.be
15? - YouTube W YouTube możesz cieszyć się filmami i muzyką, które lubisz, przesyłać oryginalne treści i udostępniać je swoim bliskim, znajomym i całemu światu. youtu.be
M MrsShemon Guest Mar 27, 2023 #93,413 18 I had an amazing sweet sixteen back in the late 00s. One of very few sweet sixteens in my country.
18 I had an amazing sweet sixteen back in the late 00s. One of very few sweet sixteens in my country.
Chiara2003 Esteemed Citizen of ZV Mar 27, 2023 #93,414 Yaaaaay……mi bf pap e momma having very nice birthday ? for 18th mi???….. I happy 4 that? 19?
M MrsShemon Guest Mar 27, 2023 #93,415 20 Sixteen is not really something to celebrate here. You can drink stuff with a little alcohol, you can have sex, but not drive a car or vote.
20 Sixteen is not really something to celebrate here. You can drink stuff with a little alcohol, you can have sex, but not drive a car or vote.
Chiara2003 Esteemed Citizen of ZV Mar 27, 2023 #93,416 Yes same ever wheres I beee?…. Americans celibrate ever things?…. 18 is more important in Italy an Denmark ? 21?
Yes same ever wheres I beee?…. Americans celibrate ever things?…. 18 is more important in Italy an Denmark ? 21?
M MrsShemon Guest Mar 27, 2023 #93,417 22 Yeah, they celebrate everything. Funny that they consider you old enough to drive a large vehicle but not to drink a beer or have sex when you are 16. Americans be a strange bunch.
22 Yeah, they celebrate everything. Funny that they consider you old enough to drive a large vehicle but not to drink a beer or have sex when you are 16. Americans be a strange bunch.
Chiara2003 Esteemed Citizen of ZV Mar 27, 2023 #93,418 23….. Si…… yet I hoping have residency there ???
M MrsShemon Guest Mar 27, 2023 #93,419 24 You are still allowed to have sex, but better not bring that bottle of wine with you when you leave the ship!
24 You are still allowed to have sex, but better not bring that bottle of wine with you when you leave the ship!
Chiara2003 Esteemed Citizen of ZV Mar 27, 2023 #93,420 25….. I seem all times able to get the alcohol in the bars etc?… I jus chooses not ?