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Don’t Wake the Mods!


Lmao. I’m browsing houses for sale in Sweden because I’m bored at work (and holy fuck are your houses expensive!) and this one house has the exact same blanket on the bed as the one I have on mine! And it’s an old old one that was left at the house by the previous owner, probably decades old lol.

Siriusvägen 46, Nolby, Kvissleby, Sundsvall, Västernorrland

Is that really how you guys write your addresses? 😬
Id only do what they wanted me to

Okay you can have one then, Zippo seal of approval has been bestowed upon you!

it’s just the street address along with the city name, state, and zip (area) code. I guess this is similar it’s just got what we call the county name added.
Yeah same here, was just trying to make sense of how they had written that address, as it is not common lol.
I seem to remember houses in the US being ridiculously expensive?
Hopefully not 69, at work so not smut lol.

How would you write out an address typically? Like if you were mailing a letter?

There’s been a steep spike in housing prices recently. I bought my house three years ago for 2.8 million SEK and it’s worth about 4.3 million SEK now. About a 12 year old house, 145 square meters on a 950 square meter lot. Not bad but nothing special.

There are still houses available for much cheaper in this country though, I’m just in a relatively high cost of living area. I’m not seeing a low cost of living area in Sweden. 😛

hahaha most definitely 69 my friend, bummer.

A letter would look something like

Magnus Uggla
Parade street 16
12345, Stockholm

If you live outside the major cities you can get a good sized house in most places in Sweden for a lot less than what you paid for yours.
Prices only tend to get ridiculous in the inner cities. Like renting a shoebox in Stockholm for $900-1500/month.

I still clicked the smut lol, very hot. 🥵

Ok, that looks similar to how we would write out an address. 🙂

Maybe this website is only showing listings for more expensive houses. Everything I’m seeing is like 3 million plus, even a good distance from the cities. If everything is that expensive we’ll just have to crash at your place. 😛

Sundsvall is not a small city, although not enormous.
I live more rurally and you could get a lot for 2-4 mil SEK!

I have a few friends who sold their tiny apartment outside Stockholm and bought big houses with lots of land around here.
You'll just have to live without KFC and the likes being around every corner 🤣
At some point I’m going to need a native speaker to converse with. I don’t think I’ll ever learn to properly speak the language from this phone app.
Choose one who speaks with a Finnish Swedish accent. They have the best pronunciation.
