LOL......whatever I know, comes FROM owning dogs for years and years. And for the most part, the psycho-babble comes from my interest in psychology and some miscellaneous reading, documentaries, followed by more reading, etc.
Fully 95% of what I "know" comes from observation and simple familiarity, day in, day out. And then something comes along like "WHY the fuck do dogs eat grass?" and most people, including me, think (or thought) it's to make themselves sick when they have an upset stomach......answer is both yes AND no, it depends, is different between different dogs and is common enough to actually merit study, but the simple answer is that it can be instinct, and it might also be that the dog likes the taste of grass too. When I had a dog who would nail grass anytime he got near any but rarely if ever threw up, that kinda makes you wonder, right?
Your dog is a descendent of the mighty wolf, a noble hunter and confirmed carnivore. You feed him meals of the best possible quality, so why does he insist on eating grass?
Honestly, the HARDEST part about getting a dog to have sex with humans is getting the idea INTO his head that he can even DO that. It's not something that comes instinctually to a dog, nor is it common for 99.99% of dogs to do so. You want to NOT do harm? DON'T force the dog.
You really don't even have to do that for house training anymore. When I was a kid, my old man would whack the fuck out of a dog that pissed or shit on the floor. Shove that nose in the shit or piss, etc...... I YELL. And scold the fuck out of him (for me, the dogs are ALL male, btw). If that fails, I'll crate train him. Put him in a crate and he instinctively doesn't mess it. HUMANS are the only animal that will willingly lay in their own filth, that doesn't happen in the animal world, and yes, that includes pigs, who DO NOT lay in their own shit. They like MUD because it cools them off, it's part of their developed temperature control, they don't sweat. BUT, they DO NOT shit in that mud either, as is commonly believed. I any case, crate training works very very well for house/potty training.
Don't ever actually HIT the dog. That teaches the dog that violence is the answer. And, some types of dogs, that might be a bigger mistake than you think. I will "slap" a dog on his ass with four fingers, but I never ever hit the dog with my full hand. Some dogs, sometimes, I fucking WANT to. Sometimes very very badly want to, but I don't, four fingers is the most, and even that is simply to get his FULL attention. It doesn't hurt and it really just startles him most of the time. With the types of dogs I generally have, I don't personally think it's a very good idea to make the dog resent me, and sit in the corner thinking about getting his revenge, lol....... It doesn't happen over night, but we have a mutual respect, he doesn't do the things that make me crazy and I don't yell at him all the time, lol. Eventually, you get there and it works.
And, I'll tell you something else, you can READ dog stuff day in day out for years, and until you actually have dogs, a LOT of stuff simply isn't going to compute. Take the sex aspect out. NOW do you want to own a dog? Because getting a dog is a fucking JOB, beleive it. It's like having kids. It's an obligation and sometimes, a burden. If you have to walk the dog to go do his business, he doesn't give a fuck and it makes zero difference if you're sick and dying, he still needs to piss or shit. YOU have to drag your sick and dying ass out and take him, he can't walk himself, not these days, lol.
I just smashed the shit out of my foot on my last job, I was staying on the 3rd floor of my hotel, no elevator. I STILL had to drag my crippled ass up and down those 3 flights of stairs coming and going. But, to me, beyond even this sexual shit, there IS a joy to owning dogs that is all it's own.