What people need to understand, is that humans and animals alike, we all come pretty much from the same basket of life. There are anatomical differences of course, but I mean most everything has 2 eyes and 2 ears, and one mouth, and one anus, I mean seriously. Literally EVERYTHING in life on this planet as far as organisms higher up in hierarchy follow the same basic anatomical patterns, minus the tail for us, but the theory of evolution is still being wrestled with on that front. So it really does just come down to those people out there that are egocentric and just plain full of themselves, that look down upon nature, as something that is only worthy in the sense that it keeps us fed and alive, and I think those are such shallow feelings to have towards the natural world around us. Recent research has shown from a scientific standpoint that animals actually think and feel in similar ways as we do, just through course of a different body language and mental processes. The evidence of it is there, it's just such a taboo thing for people to embrace the possibility that the animals are a lot more similar to us than many people are comfortable with, because were it to be fully acknowledged and accepted, it would open up an entire new realm of morals, respect, and acceptance of animals in a deeper way, not necessarily from an intimate standpoint, but just the idea of the animals being on the same or close level as humans, is just a bit too much for some people to bear.