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Does Fur/Hair color make a difference?


All of us have been a part of breed talks at some point or another on here or with someone in the community (if you haven't, consider me genuinely shocked). I've been thinking more and more about this, and I've been wondering how much the coloring of your partner can play into attraction/enjoyment of the scenario. Maybe I'm just dumb, or shallow, but let me give an example or two of what I mean before you confirm that theory lol.

Take the English Mastiff for example, there are three main colors that I know about for breed standard: Fawn, brindle and apricot. All of them look good and I wouldn't have an issue with any, but for some reason I feel like apricot is the best looking of all 3. I certainly wouldn't pass up the opportunity to play with a fawn one, but I feel like apricot gives the same vibe of a really hot human who also has a good tan (says the blindingly white person).

Now let's go to horses: I LOVE black horses, but tend to find myself unattracted to white horses. Brown horses are great, but black in far and away my favorite. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity with any since beggars can't be choosers, but I can't help but feel an extra tinge of excitement with I see a black coated horse.

Am I crazy for feeling this way? Do you feel the same? Let me know and if you feel the same tell me what your preferences are below please! I'm very curious!
It does make a difference. I also have my preference for how colorful I like my animals.
We breed different animals specifically to get them to have desired characteristics and their fur color or pattern is one of them.
I have same preference for dark horses. Black are my absolute fav, bay and chestnut are also ok. Right now I own white gelding, bought him because of the size and character but still dreaming about black stallion
I think colors do matter to a lot of people I like white not sure why. I am not locked in on just that color I like most of them and I love the different patterns that animals have.
It doesn't to me! I think it's fair if it does matter to someone, but for whatever reason it doesn't really enter into the equation for me
It's kinda personal preference i prefer longer fur breads but color isn't some that bugs me much. I do like dogs with interesting patterns in their fur because it adds character but again not very important.