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does anyone in your life personally know your into zoo stuff?

Yes… maybe the siblings will understanding time som soon
Perhaps... I'm not holding my breath for that though. I'm thankful for the time I had with them and I hope they're well, and can deal with whatever comes up for them around zoosexuality. I'm looking forward to establishing new relationships with people who are understanding and perhaps I'll find more family that way. I really like the concept of 'chosen family'
Perhaps... I'm not holding my breath for that though. I'm thankful for the time I had with them and I hope they're well, and can deal with whatever comes up for them around zoosexuality. I'm looking forward to establishing new relationships with people who are understanding and perhaps I'll find more family that way. I really like the concept of 'chosen family'
Yes…. U really cannot replace either tho either is great ?
The first person I told was my best friend while we were in college together and, like some other people have said, I didn't exactly come right out about it. I say best friends, we grew up together, our parents were friends before we were born, it felt like something I needed to tell him. In addition to wanting someone, anyone, I could talk to, since he was always the one person I could talk to about anything. I already knew we were both into furry porn, which seemed like a good first step, and I had known I was a zoo for around five years by then. To be honest I had it easy in regards to telling him. we were out on a weekend long camping trip which we did pretty often, and I suggested we play "would you hit it?" (which is where you each take turns naming a person or fictional character and the other person says whether or not they would have sex with them, for anyone who doesn't know). My plan had been to name off some popular furry characters, then ferals, then actual animals. To my surprise it was only like his third turn when he said "What about a dog?" to which I enthusiastically answered "hell yes". And it went on from there, we talked a little about it every once in a while and ogled Bad Dragon's toys and the like. A couple of years later he even kept an eye out for me while I banged one of my parents' mares, though he was never into horses himself (his loss).

The only other person I've ever told was a girl I met in college. We were friends for a couple of years and decided to start dating, and before we made it official I felt like it was important that she know everything about me and my sexuality. I told her there was something I needed to tell her about my sexuality and she confidently said "Don't worry about it, there are only three things that are a 100% relationship ender for me: Children, family members, and pets". Of course at that point she knew there was something I wanted to tell her, so I couldn't very well back out or she would assume the worst so I just had to tell her. And of course she was upset and she had questions but in the end we did end up dating, with the understanding that I wouldn't be involved with any animals while we were together. And then we got married, and I do love her, but the zoophilia is something we should have come to an understanding about beforehand. It would have been much easier than digging it back up now.

Aside from that there are at least three more people who know, all of whom found out through my wife unfortunately. Two of them read her text messages with me, not really her fault and an invasions of her privacy as well as mine but one of those people is a genuine asshole and I would have been much happier without them knowing. The third I'm pretty sure my wife may have drunkenly told at a party we hosted, but honestly if anybody was going to be accepting of zoophilia in our friend group it would have been that person so I don't really have a problem with it other than the fact that my wife told someone.

Sorry, this got really long and rambly, but long story short if you're in a committed relationship with someone you should probably tell them because the longer you wait the harder it will get. Telling anyone else is a personal choice that only you can make, and honestly I don't feel the need to tell anyone but my closest friends (I have a few other very close friends I've made through the years who I will tell at some point, when the time is right). I don't think I'll ever tell anyone in my family. To be honest I don't think they need to know, and it just has the chance of causing enormous problems with no real chance of benefitting anyone (at least in my situation).
No one in my physical life knows. I've had close calls with neighbors maybe seeing me doing something years ago, but nothing came of it. I'll keep it that way.

Online an ex-LDR GF knows. She's also somewhat zoo-adjacent and was pretty curious about my interests. It didn't work out, but she didn't do anything to harm me. We're on good terms and still talk from time to time.
Only ones that I have told are other zoo's from online. But I am 99.99% sure my mom knows. I was living with her for a while when I got out of the military and I had my female dog there. Just by way my mom would phrase things like often referring to me and my dog as a "couple" or like "oh that will be so nice for you to" and for the fact she has seen my cum dripping from my girl's pussy a few times and even pointed it out saying "look she is leaking" where she hasn't directly came out and mentioned she knows I have sex with my dog, I am also sure she knew what she was leaking lol. Me and my mom are still very close and I just leave it as it is, while pretty sure she knows I'll let her bring it up if ever.
Only my best female friend knows.

She doesn't realy care, but doesn't realy like it, when I accidently give to mutch info.
curious if there's anyone were people they know personally know that they are onto zoo. haha like did you get found out or did you tell them personally or what?? lol
My gf knows. We were talking about fetishes pretty early on, and lo and behold, she happens to be a zoophile too.
Yes, some guys in the community do but most people here don't "know." There's just not a whole lot to do in this backwoods hole in the world so people gossip, and what they don't know they make up. And I guess the rumors are easy to believe of a weird, solitary female transplanted from the "big city." People like to gang up on anyone who is different and alone, and I don't fight it or do or say much to prove the things that they say about me wrong because I kind of like my dirty little reputation.
Only told a few people. A couple friends who I suspected were in the zoo life too (I was right) my current partner (who is amazing and totally accepting) and one ex when they asked me to marry them. Figured it was an important thing they should know if we were going to tie the knot so to speak ?… unfortunately they didn’t accept it and ended things. I cannot ever tell my family which is saddening, but they are extremely conservative and would definitely get the authorities involved if they even suspected.
for me, my best friend knows. we both have these sorts of things that aren't wrong, but we're terrified of people finding out because of the way society is. i don't think he understands zoo stuff on the whole, but im okay with that because i dont understand some aspects of him either. it just makes me happy to know he respects me and who/what i love
My wife and I recently opened up that we’ve both seen zoo porn and are now sharing clips with one another. Couldn’t be happier.