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Do you think people are finally starting to be a little more comfortable openly engaging in bestiality?

The names of 30 high profile people from a royal commission in Australia into child abuse officially suppressed. All details of the Epstein child trafficking case suppressed. “Paedophilia” replaced with “Minor-attracted person”. Adults marching with their bits out in front of young children. Adults dancing provocatively at playgroups for the entertainment of young children. All government sanctioned, and widely accepted. The boundaries are certainly being moved.
I think you're insane and thankfully completely wrong. We're hearing more about the problem because we are now confronting it. There were always cover ups IMO but we just wouldn't even have gotten to even hear about them a few years ago. More light is being cast on the problem, thank god.
The one thing that could make bestiality become generally accepted in the short term is if we learn to start eavesdropping on animal brains using Neuralink or something similar and suddenly had the power to translate their communications in a way that everyone could understand. However, given how invasive it would be to implant Neuralink into an animal I could hardly advocate for it.
I really dont think so, If anything I think people are getting more reserved about it. I know I would never tell anyone my interests and it would only ever come out in a very rare situation.