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Do you think dog actually know they are fucking human women ?

Although I am not an owner, but from what some ladies told me , I believe the boys smell the hormones. The feeling for sure is different, but should be satisfying in both cases (human and dog bitches). Just like a man enjoys both a vaginal and an anal penetration. PS: ( women reveal a lot when they drink :) )
To say that they don't smell the hormones would be to lie about their sense of smell.
I think that before his cock gets buried into my pussy he knows there is a difference, but once he starts pumping his meat into me, all he knows is, it's warm, wet and feels so fucking good. He just want to pound his cock as deep as he can into me so that he can shoot enough spurts of hot tingling dog cum into my pussy is so full that his sperm completely invades your womb. To that end, he tries to knot you to make sure the job is done. He is lost in the lust of the moment and could care less if I am a dog or a woman. He just knows that, right now, fucking me is the best thing he's ever felt and that his cock feels so fucking good.
Oh god I love how you worded that ??
Well here is a simple answer. If you are aware that you are having sex or being intimate with your boys or girls then why on earth wouldnt they be aware of who or what specie you are. Off course they would be happy being intimate with a human. If it is forced or against their will then I would say they wouldnt enjoy the act. Mind you in our human terms that would be labeled as rape. Forced I would never condone. Doesnt matter what spicies they are. It has to be a 2 way street and consent has to be given or shown from all parties. Dogs arent stupid and do have feelings and emotions. As any dog owner will tell you. Regardless of who you are. If you own a dog (male or female) a special bond develops over time. Some are deeper than others. As you may have heard before "a dog is a mans best friend". This stands true on so many different fronts. How many people do you know who will literally give their life for you. Truthfully..... NOT many. Dogs on the other hand will and they are so loyal no matter what we throw at them. Treat your fury friend right and they will aim to please you till the day they die. So answer to your question is a big fat YES.
Dogs don't normally kill and eat other dogs (pit bulls excepted), so I think they understand "dog vs. non-dog" just fine.
Dogs are only as good as their owners. Dogs only fight and kill because they have aggressive or mentally unstable owners. Pitbulls have a tag attached to them by media. Yes they are aggressive when they fight but what causes the dog to be like that. Its not genetics or the breed. Any dog no matter how big or small can be a killer. Ive known many good natured pitbulls who are loving and affectionate and wouldnt hurt a fly unless its absolutely warranted. Lets get off this ride of labeling a particular breed as being aggressive. Lets rather brand the owners and of these dogs. Thats where most problems and issues lie. So many people shouldnt own a dog regardless of what breed they are.
Let me make an assumption here folks and tell me whether you agree or not.

I read once a thread in this forum, of a guy who fucks his female dog regularly and share vids of him and his friends during their parties.

They all said that the girl had 2 strong muscle rings, one that squeezes just behind the head of their cocks, and a longer one that squeezed the cock in the length. Honestly, I don't think they had the chance to taste a human vagina in their life, but let's take their tells as a testimony as I never put my dick in dog either.

When I have sex with my wife, besides the compression of her insides, I only feel "one muscle ring", that squeezes my cock in the length but not the head as supposedly noticed by the forum guys I quoted. As my wife made a lot of training in the perineum recently, I suppose she is able to squeeze my cock at her full potential.

Based on what our fellow dog gang bangers said in the forum, this extra muscle ring should be one of the thing a dog could differentiate.

Once again, don't blame me on this, it's only an honest assumption.
Yes they aren't drooling morons like the normies want you to believe. Even a blind dog could smell the difference. They may not know exactly what we are but they know we are not the same as them. They can still treat us as pack members or leaders in that regard.