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Do you record while mating with your dog?

My phone is always with me and locked and i still get paranoid ??

If I'm not home, neither is my phone, I specifically use cases with geometric sharp corners, so i can feel if it isn't there. When I change phones, which isn't very often, it's a nail to the flash chip, followed by some extra hammering for good measure.. Its DUST when I'm done

Your phone should have a locked folder only you can get into

Mostly because of the contents of THIS folder :ROFLMAO:
I meant like if I left my phone somewhere lol
The greatest tool I've ever had was getting a external drive and hooking up to my phone and pulling all of me and Mama girl time on to that and putting it in my lock box so therefore there's nothing incriminating on my phone for me to get into any trouble. Just an idea
The greatest tool I've ever had was getting a external drive and hooking up to my phone and pulling all of me and Mama girl time on to that and putting it in my lock box so therefore there's nothing incriminating on my phone for me to get into any trouble. Just an idea

The Backup MicroSD Card, blu-tacked inside one of my several astronaut projector dudes. In no way would anyone ever know they were there, except everyone here now :ROFLMAO:
i do my videoblog while knotted, but the blog doesn't show that its happening
I did not have camera access for most of my experiences, but did a little bit with my last canine partner. She was only 12lbs, so things were limited. I would record me playing with her pussy and fingering her to watch when I could not have her.
I wod love to record myself with a male canine. Just to rewatch what he does to me and get off on it a whole second time. Need to be with one again before that can happen
I did back in the time of BF.

But with the current approach on homemade material, I do not. It is much more fun if there isn't also a camera to keep in mind.