My lady spends her entire knot cumming one after another. Every 15 to 20 seconds, she orgasms. We've posted missionary video here where you can see that. But, she also spends the entire time dialing back her orgasm intensity because if she doesn't, she'll cum super hard and push his knot out when she does.
It's visible in all our videos we've posted here, but is very clearly visible in the missionary videos, if you watch, every 15 seconds or so, you'll see his cum well up around the edges of the knot and run out, and if you pay close attention, you'll also notice that his knot bulges outward on that same pace as when the cum wells up, that's her pussy pushing HARD on his knot. If she let herself really get fully into the knotting, she'd push him out in the 1st 2 minutes.
I've seen chain orgasms during knots before, but NEVER at her level of intensity or her control of that.
Feel free to check the videos out. Posted in the F/w male dog section of the porn area under my account.