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Do you love your animal partner the same way humans do each other?

Do you love your companion as a boyfriend/girlfriend or is it only ever sexual? I find myself having emotional attachments to animals I'd like to fucked.
Yes, I see them as a human like partner with an emotional connection with them. I'm lucky I think because I have bonded well with the ones I've owned. They each have their own personality.
Yes, I see them as a human like partner with an emotional connection with them. I'm lucky I think because I have bonded well with the ones I've owned. They each have their own personality.
He is a person. He has a personality and it's a personality that makes him a person.
I absolutely do! There is such a tight bonding experience and i had him for 8 months before anything at all sexual happened between the two of us. It is the time spent together, the loyalty, the trust and the understanding that you build that is at least on par with a human relationship.
I think the love I have for my animals is quite different from any romantic love I've felt towards humans. It has a lot of similar elements and the love can be just as deep, but there is a significant difference in the way it feels and manifests to me.
It is a different love for sure. A dog is a close companion, mine shares every intimacy conceivable with me…however…date night is not the same as it is with a human lol.

I am sure it sounds self explanatory, but there is a big difference between being with a human and a dog. Both are such different experiences. Both are rewarding and satisfying in different ways.

It’s an exciting lifestyle, but I am not sure I could ever 100% give up one or the other. I love both.
I know I love my dog more then anyone I've ever dated that fore sure but I dont think its in the same way because there is no physical communication. Its more emotional and more based on the feel of the situation learning more about each other without being able to talk about it. Spending time together just being together. I am not opposed to loving another human but im enjoying the time with Brady and taking this journey with him.
I absolutely love humans and animals the same. The goal is to have a mate of each. I'm lucky enough to have my own dog and even more so that I've boned and become mated to him. I love and cherish him as much as a zoo mate I hope to have some day. In either scenario I'd give my life for them and do anything in my power to create a safe, loving environment for the three :)
Animal love is very different than human love from my experiences. That's actually why I prefer dogs. They reciprocate well with my wild love wrestle energy. (that doesn't mean it will lead to sex either) Example. You may come home and kiss your significant after work, and feel at ease. When I get home, the first thing I do is drop down on all fours to greet everyone, and we roll around for a while in a happy greeting wrestle. Neither one is better than the other, I just know which one is right for me. Also, if you aren't at least trying to be emotionally available for your partner, whether they are human or not, then you likely aren't viewing them as any kind of a partner anyway.
Oh good, I was wondering if I was the only one. Yes I do, I've only had my girl for about 2 months but she has made a huge impact on me. I love her more than just a dog or just a pet. I can't get her off my mind I think about her all the time. I just want to spend time with her and be around her as much as I can. I really do feel I love her as I would a human. Of course there's differences like going on dates. Obviously we can't go to a fancy dinner or a movie but we do still go on dates. We enjoy hiking and drives on back roads, things like that as dates.
Me and my Dog are in a relationship and always will be on a spiritual level. We are Ride or Die together so even though we are apart we will be together again some day. It felt like a part of my soul was torn apart when I had to get ride of her ??? She was all I had as a friend and companion at that point and time. I consider the word Bestiality a form of rape and sexual gratification and the word Zoophilia as an actual relationship wether it's spiritual, mental, emotional and physical or all of them together.
I feel exactly the same way. It's the same and different at the same time, but still love and a relationship at the end of the day.

Awwww that's wonderful! :), I'm glad he had that with you. Titles are kinda important to me cuz I feel like it makes things official, but I've always felt weird calling my partner something that wouldn't apply to animals. With that said, if my partner was a boy and he asked me to marry him, I'd say "yes". This boy is "the one" for me too, and I'm not gonna take him for granted. ?

I hate knowing how short of a life dogs get to live ?
Do you mean you are fidel and impose your dog to be also ?
Personally, I don't. I love him as my companion and my friend. We don't mess around sexually, but I love watching him and helping him with others.