Fucking Google translate...I love they like a son more than a partner.
Yes, I see them as a human like partner with an emotional connection with them. I'm lucky I think because I have bonded well with the ones I've owned. They each have their own personality.Do you love your companion as a boyfriend/girlfriend or is it only ever sexual? I find myself having emotional attachments to animals I'd like to fucked.
He is a person. He has a personality and it's a personality that makes him a person.Yes, I see them as a human like partner with an emotional connection with them. I'm lucky I think because I have bonded well with the ones I've owned. They each have their own personality.
¿Amas a tu pareja como novio/novia o es sólo sexual? Me encuentro teniendo vínculos emocionales con animales que me gustaría follar.
No a mi esposo lo amo con mi alma y con mi vida, a nuestro perro lo adoro pero hasta ahí.
Do you mean you are fidel and impose your dog to be also ?I feel exactly the same way. It's the same and different at the same time, but still love and a relationship at the end of the day.
Awwww that's wonderful!, I'm glad he had that with you. Titles are kinda important to me cuz I feel like it makes things official, but I've always felt weird calling my partner something that wouldn't apply to animals. With that said, if my partner was a boy and he asked me to marry him, I'd say "yes". This boy is "the one" for me too, and I'm not gonna take him for granted. ?
I hate knowing how short of a life dogs get to live ?
A dogfriend shoul be normal for a girl.I feel like I do, he makes me feel safe and loved, and I enjoy time and romantic time with him. I take care of him as a partner