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Do you find women more attractive if they are into zoophilia?

I wish my boyfriend was. He told me he mated with a dog when he was younger, but I'm not sure if he likes it now. I definitely wouldn't mind watching him mate again with our female dog šŸ˜
Iā€™m curious to see what you think about this
Honestly, wouldn't say I find them more OR less attractive as I'm fairly open minded as I imagine we all are here. Sure I'd be keen to know more about their views and experience etc, but it's not a requirement that they must be into it to be considered attractive.
100 %
Often the Zoo aspect of a woman can out way looks, personality, education and financial stability.
Compatibility is key to a relationship.
To a degree, yes, but I think it's less that it's attractive to me and more than it speaks to a certain compatibility that's rare to find. Being able to share that interest with someone is something I really miss.
Not ā€œmore attractiveā€, but definitely more interesting! I have yet to meet one but thereā€™s always hope.
Yes, It would be an added bonus if she were, though it doesn`t really matter as long as we are happy together
Oh God, yes, nothing is more attractive to me than women who enjoy being pleasured by dogs. It's not something that developed over time, either. The very first time I ever saw a dog humping a woman, it triggered something in me like nothing ever had. It's the most erotic thing I have ever experienced.
I haven't had a lady to tell me she was zoo so I don't know if I would like it better or not.
I wouldn't say they're more attractive. But they'd be more interesting. There are more important factors such as intelligence and chemistry. But all things being equal, I'd prefer a woman who's either interested in dogs or will who accept without judging that I think a woman with a dog is totally hot.