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Do Women really enjoy horse semen?

The general consistency varies, but it can be anywhere from fairly creamy to milky or watery, it differs depending on the sperm count.

Horse semen shots were actually popularised 4 or 5 years ago in New Zealand, and they're described as tasting almost like a milkshake, which is laughable, but hey I haven't personally tried so don't take my word for it 😂 so far as semen from various mammals go horses are definitely one of the more widely appreciated, generally fairly salty/sweet due to a very high protein content, very musky too.
Those things weren't pure horse semen. Probably more 99% milk shake....
Those things weren't pure horse semen. Probably more 99% milk shake....
I had two if my friends, a pair of sisters from NZ, tell me about attending a "seman fair" if some kind where there were lots of stalled with different kinds of seman to taste, for... Reasons... They tried horse, bull, sheep, goat and dog I think from memory, they were telling me in such a matter of fact way but I struggled to keep my cool when they were explaining it all to be honest, I think I missed out on an opportunity to ask more questions and damnit I'd love to go see that
It is an acquired taste and the taste can vary from grassy to sour and the consistency can also vary from quite thick to watery. Whatever the taste, there is always a lot of it to enjoy.