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I’m always naked… at home!!!!! Even outside no matter what, even in winter… well I do throw on this thick long furry coat in winter but I leave it all open in the front so anyone can still see I’m all full naked bare nude underneath so why won’t I sleep all full naked bare nude!? In summer we don’t even have covers, sheets or anything on the bed to sleep under and I seldom wear bras at all when having to go out… like for instance going to work, malls, shops, town, etc… even church… I guess that’s just how nudists are… We tend to wear as little as possible… We, both husband and I, grew up in the nudist lifestyles and we continued this into our own happy little Family… All our ancestors seems to have done it too according to our Family histories
I used to,. Then I read an article that said every time you fart, you leave fecal matter on your sheets. I now wear underwear to help keep my bedding clean.