there is quite the risk with filming zoo these days. a lot easier to be tracked down and what not now. i do still have my videos, but back when i posted on gaybeast, animals someone somehow recognized who and where and it got my baby boy killed out of spite of me. so i rarely share vids anymore, not that i really get opportunity to play anymore anyway.
Do not read past the first paragraph. I smoked some excellent marijuana and was sent off to the highest realm on a screaming rocket. It's just rambles on but I'm leaving it here so you'll see the effects of doing drugs. I hope you take from this the message that you need to keep looking for the best bud because whooowhee!
It's things like this that's gotten me royally pissed off. I really don't care if others find out about me and try to take me down. Good luck with that. I'm pretty well hidden and very mobile.
Danger! Insane rant a mile long below! Just move on to the next post.
But somehow I'm found and it is going to involve law enforcement invading my life to fuck up the rest of my life and put down my beautiful animals (because what? they're going to ramage and rape all humans? ), I'm taking as many as I can with me. There's 3 of us. My 2 dogs and I. So at least 3 lives for 3 lives.
And, no, I'm not going to just go to prison it's only 5 /10 years. That's a fucking long time. A eighth of your life as the government's slave. Any constitution lawyer can tell you that slavery has never been abolished from the USA. It is written in the US Constitution that when you're arrested, charged and found guilty, you become the property of the government to do with what they see fit. What's that but slavery.
I'm going off topic so that's a different discussion. They murder the dogs if it's known that you have sex with them. You have to register as a sex offender in some places and that's a death warrant because nobody, I mean nobody looks beyond the words "sex offender". And that's double jeopardy, you already paid restitution for your crime and you get out of prison and yet still punished again for years. Quote anything you'll want to me, you won't convince me differently. And "sex offender" instantly means pedophile and rapist to whomever is reading this, to the businesses you applied for a job, to family members who don't know what you were charged and punished for. Get caught pissing in the woods that's 100 yards from the school will require you to register as a sex offender.
I rather die than have my life fucked over and completely ruined just because a certain group said "Ew!, I don't like that because I never get laid by anything so they can't".
Throughout history every major change has always started with violence. I've admired those who got tired of the bullshit and said "Fuck you, enough!" Queers, Blacks, Women, and so on. I may not like a group, race, preference but you don't either. Thing is, you are you. They are they. Why the fuck are you putting your nose, your morals (no such thing), thoughts and whatever dumbass shit that you think is superior (you don't) onto the other person.
Like those stupid church fucks holding signs saying That God hates Fags! Fags fo to hell! Why do you even care! If it was know as fact that God really hated fags and actually sent them hurling across the sky burning and screaming towards hell. The fact God is actually doing whatever fiction you believe in the bible means you don't have to worry about it because it doesn't effect you, would you still be holding that sign? No, you wouldn't. What do the fags feel when the flaming hand of God grabs them to hurl across the sky? This continues for centuries and a fag carrying a pail of water is grabbed by the vengeful God and water is spilled on God's hand and it puts out a spot of fire and God screamed in pain? And other fags see this. What happens? God is fucked now and pails of water arrive and the powerful being is no more.
All of this happens overnight. Think everyone else in the planet will even know what transpired? Clocks keeps ticking the upcoming second, mice still farting in their sleep behind walls, flowers still growing towards the warmth of the sun, rabbits fucking like, well, like rabbits. Not a fucking thing happens to you. Just the fags, they have overcome your repression and are free. So, just mind your Goddamn business and fuck off and this would be paradise.
Replace God with government law enforcement, the queers with zoophiles, the church people with church people. Pail of water with guns. That's the path I am taking. I'm not going to start anything or lead a damn thing. I'm going to continue to be invincible, quiet and keep to myself but if discovered . . . I may not end up inspiring a major zoophilia movement and just end up being a joke in a few sentences near the obituary section of the local paper but it's got to start somewhere.
Only problem with this insane rant of mine is that people don't change and it's impossible for us to change. History is just a short story that has repeated itself over and over and over and over and over. A group thinks the other group is different from group one therefore isn't group one so tries to force group two to be group one. Group two says fuck you. And later group two thinks group one is different so rinse and repeat.
Hold on! I need to order more of this sticky bud if I wrote that batshit insanity above!