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Do male dogs/horses sense human attraction?

You can read my posts (in story section) and from my experience I believe animals sense human attraction.

For example my horse story, that horse doesn't get hard with other people petting him but he gets hard with me and tries to dominate me.

I think they can also sense other emotions like fear ect.

Thanks for reading, can't wait to see the replies. c:

Some dogs do. Or maybe all dogs sense it but many just ignore it. One time a dog was passing by near my parked car, I called him and he came to me very cautiously. After seconds he tried to sniff my butt (I was sitting in the car with the door open) and suddenly his behaviour changed from moderately friendly to super horny. He jumped in the car without asking permission and stayed waiting for me to start driving. I drove to my home (1 hour away) and he behaved just perfect during the trip. At home, he followed me to my room and did exactly what he "had" to do, without any encouragement or enticing from me. Maybe he sensed my desire for him, maybe he did the same before with other people, maybe he was a former lover of me reincarnated in another dog ?, who knows...
It is whole different story with my own dogs. With time, they learn what to do and how to do it. Domination? Honestly I don't see domination at all in our relationship. I think that domination regarding sex is just a human thing.
Yes I believe dogs/horses sense attraction.
That's a funny story but proves the point I guess! :)

I'm not sure about dogs but if you research it horses do have a dominance stand point in terms of pushing you around to get what they want, not like dominance in humans but it's similar they will stomp their feet and show if they are impatient. If you show dominance back like push the horse away from you they can react very badly. So you will have to submit to them and not push them back. Thinking about it this is the same with dogs, when dogs show they are the master of the house or they think you are lower in the pack than then they will growl in your face and show that they are the dominant one. This is what I mean I hope it clears things up :)