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Do bestiality farmers actually exist?

Not so much in this country,
I knew about a local hobby ranch that was known as a hook up place for gay men and swingers for literally a decade. The owners were were two gay men who were hiv positive. I never really investigated further. Kinda wish I had tho.
my neighbor had a farm and she and I would let others join... for many years we shared our affection for one another and the animals K9, equine, etc with friends whom expressed interest in participating. Of course, we did not put it out ont he computer for public advertisement. Why are people being so sarcastic to a legitimate question when I know they do exist as we hosted one and it sounds as you do as well.
ive been looking for years, i grew up in a farm and miss it so much...would do anything and travel anywhere to meet a woman with similar interests. I'm single and have the time and money to indulge. But wow, so hard to meet a woman that fits those parameters :0
my neighbor had a farm and she and I would let others join... for many years we shared our affection for one another and the animals K9, equine, etc with friends whom expressed interest in participating. Of course, we did not put it out ont he computer for public advertisement. Why are people being so sarcastic to a legitimate question when I know they do exist as we hosted one and it sounds as you do as well.
Damn so it was just know a guy who knows a guy kind of thing? I'd love to see one as a tourist of sorts lol
This is one of those question that comes up frequently , yes this type of stuff happens on farms , i mean farms = animals so ppl around them specially kids tend to have experiments , most of my friends i can talk about these things that grew up on farms had fun, there are club farms so to speak where u can go to have fun but since in most places this is so illegal and shunned that noone can advertise it , its usually close knit groups who know and trust each other and meet at a farm , these are invitation only and noone brings a new member in just like that its talked around and even vetted with meating the individual before and so on , dont forget what ppl risk with these things. in the Eu the further east you go to more these things become taboo , lets not even talk about beast , simply being gay is considered an evil thing in most places . You get invited to these things like you get invited to a gang bang club , those operate along similar lines , meet ppl get to know them etc , but since this is so taboo and lets not forget illegal its hard.
Had been invited to a few of these so i know they are fun , much more fun then just the sex part its a group of ppl presumably friends and we share a lot in common not just the love of animals. But dont expect to see adds for something like this it wont happen not even on a site such as this .
Well, with the present price of milk and meat, you will not think a farmer can keep up farm cost without some creative extras, do you?


Free tip:
do not ask around or you'll get in trouble
I laughed at this way harder than I should have.
If only eh?

With such a large volume of start up work and maintenance etc that goes into land and livestock ownership it'd be real nice to know if I'm even compatible with a horse etc to begin with. i kinda prefer having that whole bond and respect vs fence hoppin one-nighters. would be real nice to have a place you can board a horse and take care of it and know it's in good hands and privacy for your visits etc.
I'm not really a candidate for horse ownership, but a facial and/or a mouthful from one would be something I'd be interested in trying... So, I wouldn't be against an experience at someone else's facility. I don't like the idea of something commercial though. That would be problematic. Maybe a sow or a ewe would be fun, but again, people would get curious if I suddenly had a sheep.
However I am a farmer, and do get penetrated by my dog(s). I've also been in a place to enjoy cows. I've considered getting a pair of mini cows, but the purchase price is prohibitive.
Maybe a sow or a ewe would be fun, but again, people would get curious if I suddenly had a sheep
The thing is having a reasonable explanation.
"I have goats for trimming the yard, and even get some milk in exchange. Looked a good idea at the time, and they look cutr. It stills saves me time. They also double as pets quite nicely too"

People buy that no problem.
The thing is having a reasonable explanation.
"I have goats for trimming the yard, and even get some milk in exchange. Looked a good idea at the time, and they look cutr. It stills saves me time. They also double as pets quite nicely too"

People buy that no problem.
Would you whore them out though?
I've heard some mention of farmers who allow people to 'enjoy' animals and such, does this actually happen or is this just some fanfic

Yes, there are places like this, and the chances of just anybody getting a invite to them is very very very low. Most of the time is for life long friends not for ever tom, dick and harry that wants to get dick wet.
I think the chances of finding an owner who shares their farm animals with you is equivalent to winning the lottery...
The OP question sounds like asking if there were farmers whoring their animals as side business.

The affirmative answers are mostly refering to zoos (who happen to be farmers) letting some selected good friends access to their animals.
Yep, they exists. :) As you saw one of my posts where I posted a bunch of pic of animals... some of these photo were taken at farms.
The owners saw that I was interested in taking photos of their females and almost all of them said something among the lines... "if you want you can you can do you your thing"
Once an owner came to the stables and I was doing my stuff... and he was like... clean after you finish.
I sometimes believe that I'm lucky when it comes to finding like minded people in my life, but I guess it's because of my personality.
My friend is a farmer.... He also fuck a goat, but he never let me touch them...

He will separated special female goat that he love, he fuck her until it get pregnant, that's mindblowing , but the baby die after birth, the longest it live is one week...

Oh, yes. I know right.
Every time that happens to me, I keep them in pickel jars ?

No, not really. I suspect your friend is just joking you. If he send you a photo, run it through Google lens or Tineye and see where it came from ?
No... He not joking with me, we friend since our little kids, playing with animal is normal for us....

I help him to buried some of the baby, it's really happen, & the look different in every baby that birth....

Oookay. Pending an official chromosome count on the hybrid, I'll keep trying and keep posted ?

*walk away singung*
?Billy Doe is not my lover
She's just a goat who claims that I am the one.
But the kit is not my son ?
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