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Did you / Do you have zoo friends?

Yes. ?
My Ex wife love to share our male wolfhound with me.
I Have also met - taught - shared sexual ancounters with 2 freinds I have met IRL from here over the past 3 years, they are always welcome in my home.
Always looking to branch out more.
in my early 20's I had a partner into zoo as well, we only got to play with our kink a few times but it was so hot watching her get mounted and knotted.
I was blessed for 4 years to be with a girl who, from what she told me, had been watching zoo porn for many years online but just never had a chance to try because she didn't have pets of her own living with her parents. The way she found out I liked dog was amazing! I offered to get us lunch but had only 1 bicycle, So I left her at my house to get food, when I returned, I open the door to see videos I had made of myself with a couple dogs I had a few years prior. Her jaw was on the floor as she watched. I tried to run up to the TV, knowing damn well that it was way too late to hide anything because the video was half over and was nearly an hour and a half long. She leaps up and gets in my way and says NO DON'T IM WATCHING THIS Thank-you! Then she looks at me and says, "You do this?" I'm like, HOW DID YOU FIND THAT! (At the time I made the mistake of thinking a labyrinth of folders could conceal files if I had them hidden in folders beyond folder beyond folders with multiple options in each new folder. Well, she was better at Windows that I was at that time... Just did a .mpeg search on the obvious attempt at hiding something and instantly found my stash of porn where mine where also stored. She said she just wanted to see what i was into, and was happy to see that and said 'As i was scrolling i had seen all those videos before but two where odd... i hadn't seen those thumbnails before... so i had to watch them". I was convinced this was a trap and was so nervous... She asked me right away, Can i watch you do it? I had just gotten broken up with a few months prior by a different girl who caught me "cheating" on her with one of my dogs and i was on edge assuming everyone was out to get me. I talked to her for a few minutes about it and she convinced me to do it and let her watch but it came with stipulations on both ends. She said i have to teach her while doing it, and i told her i wouldn't do it unless she got it all ready to start. I was very meticulous about making sure that i and the dog was well lubricated to avoid any harm, I also did a good bit of stretching with my fingers prior to using my penis for the same reason. So i told her she had to lubricate and finger the dog, and then give me oral and lube me up as well. As this agreement had been come to she instantly was out the front door and went and got my dog from off his chain outside and had him in her arms and ran right back and got started... i was in shock in every way.... She was so into it, she was so willing, she was my girlfriend... I'm still blown away by how amazing that relationship was. Well she does it all, i explain how to start, she preps, then as im kinda slowly approaching the dogs behind with my penis, she anxiously puts her hand on my butt and shoved me in and was like a child who sits too close to their favorite TV show. I couldn't make her stop looking, even if i wanted to. Well following that... things just grew... we would lay in bed and just talk about fantasies and things we wanted to try, and would bounce ideas back and forth and talk about what we thought would be exciting.. Almost every time we could only get so far before we would scoop the dog into the bedroom and get to gettin. She loved creampies, and i hated other dudes near my gf, but we found the perfect middle ground where she got what she wanted and it wasn't in a way that i was concerned about at all! We did it once where, i went second and him first, then switched it, then she requested a snowball, each way, then wanted to be DP'd and it just kept going, where on my end i wanted to be able to dip back and forth between her and the dog at will, then which hole was being dipped , then she convinced me to let him fuck me which was a first for me, but thankfully i did it because omg i loved it, then I'd have her lay under me and blow me while he did, then jerk me during, then even me be inside her while he's inside me. Sorry this was so long, but just omg i miss her so much all the time. It's been many years and we have lost contact over the dumbest garbage and i regret it so much. Whoever reads this all, Thank you, for whoever TLDRs ,(Shrugs) <3
I've never found anybody who I could really talk about it with :( . I did try to get my gf in to it... showed her a few videos, got her to talk dirty about it, but after a while she seemed really not in to it and now gets uncomfortable if I mention it. I don't think I could bring myself to telling other people in real life.
I've managed to find a few friends in the community over the years and I'm glad they were within the state so meeting was pretty easy.?
I have made some friends but im hoping to meet more like minded people and just chat and talk about zoo safely. I have never been able to open up before
I pretty much know one other zoo who I met on the internet. Have yet to meet one irl, which I'm hoping to do eventually.
MrsK9Duke was my best friend and my best zoo friend as well as being my wife. Since her death I'm friendless. There's nobody in my life who not only knows where the bodies are buried in my life, but who would help me bury one like a true friend would.

Zoo friend-wise, I've had maybe a dozen friendly zoo acquaintances over the course of my life but no true zoo friends outside of MrsK9Duke. Not as bad as it sounds. I've never had a large circle of non-zoo friends either, just one and sometimes two. Usually everyone I know is a friendly acquaintance at best.

ZV fills the function of friendly zoo acquaintances but I would like to find someone to get closer with and become best friends in my public life and in my private zoo life plus romantically involved. Hopefully someday...
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I trained my friends dog and a few years later after a night out, I caught him getting his cock licked by him.

I pretended like I didn’t see it. Both friends (who were brothers) knew about each other.

They just didn’t know that I knew or even worse that I’m the one who showed their dog the pleasures of slurping up my sweet tasting cum. ?
So just how do you know that they knew about each other if they didn’t know you knew? And how do you know about the other one?
Open to it. I’m am extremely private in my life. I can surprise most people about my sex life as it is. Lady in the street, freak in the bed kind. I imagine I will only get zoo friends in legal places. I look forward to being watched and pleasing a man’s fantasy. I would like to have a pet who takes my man and me. Then it’s even. I’m grateful for this site to share. I like friends I have here.
Thankfully I have been fortunate to meet several amazing people throughout my time here and on beastforum. Words cannot describe how great it is to be in the company of other like minded people were you can free talk about your love and not be judged.
even better if you can find one to fall in love with uwu still having a few mates I can get along with and freely speak about it would be a dream
When you were discovering your passions did and of you have the fortune to share it with a fellow zoo?
Did you help each other along or possible introduce one another to zoo?
Maybe you shared partners?
I'm mainly referring to real life as opposed to online but i'm interested in all experiences
I did not, but I had a good friend that was caught with his sisters horse. It didnt change our friendship, but I wish I had the where for to talk to him about it.