Citizen of Zooville
Sure, you planned it all along.27959 Got em! ?
In this case I did! I had posted that number by mistake, I went to edit it, and then a devilish idea to try and trick the next person washed over me! So I canceled the edit and waited! ?Sure, you planned it all along. :husky_rolleyes:
I'll put it in another way how does one make good with one's past so they can move on to the present? 2797227952 I'm a native English speaker, and even I'm confused about the question! Lol
I'll put it in another way how does one make good with one's past so they can move on to the present? 27972
27977 thanks make me feel somewhat better27973
- YouTube
W YouTube możesz cieszyć się filmami i muzyką, które lubisz, przesyłać oryginalne treści i udostępniać je swoim bliskim, znajomym i całemu światu.m.youtube.com
Curve those corners up, ya prude! ?
Now you pay attention. Double posts don't count.