Typical. The internet preserves all knowledge. Except for that one thing you wanted to see, that's gone forever.
I thought you were trying to get me again lol.17735
Ey, check your numbers, boys!
Nice. Thus far I've limited my zooish decorations to my desktop background. Even that is tastefully understated.I actually have a print of that last image hanging on my wall from them so in a small way I will have it forever. Wish I had the full size of just the Leda and the Swan though.
I preferred the vampire17740
My excuse is that I'm grilling cajon sausages at 6 in the morninglike a nutcaseerr...like a vampireerr... because I never sleep! Let's go with that one! Lol
17743 Actually I'm making late late late dinner. It's more like a snack at this point.17741
I'm making lunch. Thirteen hours early.
You should have abandoned your need for food with your need for sleep?17751
Aaaaaannnd now I'll be up even later because I'm now hungry too lol.