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Indeed they are. It's just me and my two girls, our little pack, trying to survive in a ruthlessly capitalistic society. While I wish I could communicate things like this to them, and I wish they could communicate things to me in human language... we can only share the language of love, canine body language, and what little they've picked up on human body/verbal language. Though they probably understand that I'm in a little bit of pain.

I'm sure your girls understand you well. And you don't need to talk to them if you can't walk a big distance right now, they'll understand and accept it. I never had or cared for a dog which didn't understand physical limitations if they were a given. They accepted those as something not changeable and do so without holding a grudge against you like most humans would do.

For me it's not a wish to communicate in human language, I hate it anyway. The human concept of language is good for written communication, but worthless in direct verbal communication, as they (can) tell so much more via micro-expressions and gesticulation. As such I would not want any animal which talks like a human, it distracts and annoys me after a very short time.

Could live without problems for years without talking to any human, actually. Wouldn't miss a thing. I actually did this, multiple times, up to over 2 years a time. But the disadvantage is that you can't express well verbally without repetitive training. And as such a specific permanent experience is necessary for business aspects.

(Funny enough that someone who likes to write with a sense for correct grammar and typography doesn't actually value the languages used for communication. They're merely a quite annoying tool.)

Good morining!

Good morinout! I mean morning! (y) ?
As such I would not want any animal which talks like a human, it distracts and annoys me after a very short time.
See, that's where you and I differ on the matter. Don't get me wrong, I believe my canine girls understand WAY more than what they may let on to an untrained eye, and I understand many many things they are trying to communicate to me as well. For a pack to be functional this is an absolute necessity. Like I've said before, our relationship would be absolutely and 100% positively perfect if it weren't for the fact of two things. 1) They live much shorter lives than humans. 2) They cannot speak spoken human language. As a social species I absolutely love and kinda crave spoken conversations. I'd love to be able to tell them why I might be feeling blue one day. I'd also love to be able to tell them good news that happens to me or us, and have them understand just why it's good news. I'd also love to have them explain to me, in words, what may be upsetting them, or what may be exciting them on a given day as well.

As, while they may understand that I'm injured, or blue, or happy and excited, they cannot comprehend just why that is and what it entails. I may understand when they are injured, or blue, or happy and excited I don't always understand why that is. Although I can often pick up on the context clues. We can understand each other's feelings and base level emotions, we can understand each other's love, but we cannot actually talk about it to get a full 100% picture. I maybe excited one day that I got a raise at work, as an example. They know I'm happy, and my happiness brings them happiness. But I can't tell them why this raise is such a good thing for us as a pack, they'd just understand the emotional aspects of it.

And hey, that's fine. I knew 100% well what I was getting myself into when it comes to this type of relationship. And, that's not to say that relationships that do have spoken languages are without flaws... FAR from it. But as a social species with a large pre-frontal cortex and a fully developed FOX2P gene, it's basically in my biology to want this sort of thing. But with any, and I do mean any relationship, there will be drawbacks. But the love, the dedication, and life itself is absolutely and positively better with them. And I'm fine with what we have. I may want them to be able to speak the same language as me, just as I want a garage full of $100,000+ vehicles, but some things in life just aren't going to happen, and that's okay.


But as a social species with a large pre-frontal cortex and a fully developed FOX2P gene, it's basically in my biology to want this sort of thing.

Could be like this for the majority, true. For me it's mostly annoying to talk with humans. No aspect of "social life" or "communication", which I would enjoy. I prefer the clanging sounds and creaks of machines or the quiet noises of animals. Not cars, not humans, not conflicts, not festive activities. They all merely annoy and distract me intensely.

Different topic via written conversation, as the whole "human" aspect is not visible, nor taking my space or other senses aside the visual one.

We can understand each other's feelings and base level emotions, we can understand each other's love, but we cannot actually talk about it to get a full 100% picture.

Hmm. Did write a longer text, but don't feel like it's a good approach as the length might just distract.

As such very short: I am happy that animals are not limited in terms of their enjoyments of life through education of scientific facts.. they would be same as mentally broken, limited, not longer able to feel empathy for anyone and everyone, show curiosity for anything and everything .. by the layers of self-expected analysis of everything. They would lose their freedom of mind.

In this aspect animals are not manipulated by analytical education and empathetic influences, which often raise the "bad" traits like "seven deadly sins" and comparable (self-reflectory power assessment and enjoyment). Not all of those "sins" are "just" bad, but how they are used often enough by humans.. is.

And if I can prevent an animal from having to bear with this.. then I will let it enjoy "now" uninfluenced of "yesterday" and "tomorrow" while I care for those aspects and lose a part of my empathy in the way due to being able to not "feel", but "analyze" everything in details. Which raises a lot of analytical problems like doubts, disliking, demotivation, stress..

Doesn't limit my ability to communicate quite clearly with animals. And they understand me quite well as I can show them in their own subconscious micro-expressive and expressive communication what I talk about. They are astonishingly able to understand human language, actually. Often better than any human would be able to, if he drove to Japan or China and didn't have any translator or language learning courses.
And: they even enjoy it. I wouldn't, if I could not understand the language after a few months, it would stress me even more. ?‍♂️

At the end that's individual. You are absolutely fine with whatever way you wish for or choose, humans might like to talk, I never saw any reason in it (or any "positive effect" for me, it just costs me energy). ❤️