Deleted member 281309
Dang, nobody to help foxxo get the triple 7's. ?
1427781 The meaning of life, the universe, and everything 777 ?
Thank you!
We’re having lasagna
Eh, it was not bad. Although I do plan on making air fried shrimp later on. I'm almost tempted to bust open the truffle oil that I bought on my last shopping trip. Stuff was not cheap either, $18.99 for 1 5.9 Fl OZ bottle. But from what I've heard, it's the absolute cheapest way to get truffle flavoring into foods. It's what many pro chefs use when they sell you "truffle" dishes at restaurants, and many of them claim that they can't really tell the difference between it, and actual ground truffle flakes.
But the other part of me wants to save it for a rainy day, and just use the popcorn oil, which also tastes amazing on air fried shrimp.
Ah dang, that does suck. ?I used to love shrimp them all of a sudden I had an allergic reaction to it so now I can’t eat shrimp anymore it sounds good though
Heh, indeed I do. Many of the regulars here know that I'll occasionally share recipes on this thread. Many have suggested starting my own thread for myself and other users to share their recipes.Sounds like you do a look of cooking ?
Who you callin shrimp?
Funnily enough, out of all the things I've thrown on the grill over the years, I've never thrown chimken on the grill. Primarily because anything over an inch/inch and a half thick takes an ungodly amount of propane to cook. Lol