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Count to ∞!


Thank you a lot, eloquent lovely floofer! ??(y)

Business partners cancelled the meeting to prevent a terminus for today (means: in 8 hours). As such I have a bit less stress, which is wonderful.

I wonder, did you buy your house in a well-maintained condition or did you renovate some things yourself over time?

Ah, I see - but a good thing that it didn't need whole reconstruction or comparable effort. (y)

With one of my buildings all I can do is to probably.. trash and replace it in 1-2 years with my own solution. Basically no way to "improve" the fundamental aspects of it without replacement. Even as it looks good, it's just not up to the requirements I have for it.
142 ?

Luckily it wasn't that bad, but then again mine passed inspection yet still needed some expensive work done. But definitely WAY salvageable, as it wasn't even close to salvage in the first place. I'm probably going to need some roof work done to it at some point though, that'll likely be a pretty penny.
142102 - oh, someone got deleted? :unsure: Number decreased.

Welcome to our floofy @Mare Lover 1975 ! ???

But definitely WAY salvageable, as it wasn't even close to salvage in the first place.

That's a good thing. Yes, roof works can be expensive - I do those mostly myself, it's useless to pay 5 times the material costs if it can be done same as good myself. Our contractors are not really establishing a high quality build, just "the quickest way possible with the cheapest material around" which doesn't fit my own style.

The one building is unfortunately not constructed to withstand my own projects on it, needs a more rugged, robust solution and this can't just be placed "over it" but has to be build from ground on. But this allows as well some individual concepts to get integrated. That's the one and only advantage, even if it will be quite pricey.

They generate highly manipulated results! Disgrace! Abomination of man!
Zoophilia is harmless compared with people which join to take apart the fundamental process of counting in an established order by un-counting their own participation in such threads!

The horror! It borders on bubble-tea and overcomes the brain-tissue decrease through home shopping television channels! ?‍♂️

They need an instant counter-counting-correction to their mental state.