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Count to ∞!


Heh, sounds like a lot of fun! Lol
Wasn't that bad, I had a chance to test the newly delivered protective gear which I brought to my place today.

But the work itself is just a process to finish something which is needed for almost all other projects and plans. It's basically a helping tool to make all other projects possible with good results. As such there's not really a choice of "do I want to do this today - or something else?".

"Upcycling" or recycling are things which I love to do as well. But it's hard to finish even small projects in bigger numbers quick enough to not stack more and more of them into the queue list.

I unfortunately see the flaws, compromises, cheap solutions in almost everything technical, no matter the price and "market quality".. which annoys the heck out of me, searching for almost everlasting most efficient solutions. And if I try to optimize, improve everything I see the flaws in, it's a never-ending list of additional long time projects.. by just buying a few simple tools, as example. Everything could be redone 200 to 500% better than delivered.

Hard for me to find things which I can use without a "bad feeling of using something underdeveloped / flawed". But one just can't finish 2000 projects, each taking 2 to 1500 hours (only a few take that long, but even one would be enough for others to fill their time for years to come..). That's the one thing I hate in this RPG called life: too much optimization space available in almost everything.