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Oh 1000% I’d never once enjoy going back to being a kid - the amount of garbage adults told you was bullshit. I felt so cheated when I realized as an adult everyone is just making it all up.
It's actually a weird trend that I've seen from plenty of younger millennials and older gen Z-ers oddly enough. A lot of them missing being a kid when life was simple and everything was a little more rosy. But I'm like... yeah, fuck that. Being an adult sucks sometimes but I'd much rather have my freedoms and my own life independent of anyone else's.

It's actually a weird trend that I've seen from plenty of younger millennials and older gen Z-ers oddly enough. A lot of them missing being a kid when life was simple and everything was a little more rosy. But I'm like... yeah, fuck that. Being an adult sucks sometimes but I'd much rather have my freedoms and my own life independent of anyone else's.


I mean I wish I could go back and slap the shit out of the younger me for the dumb shit I used to do. But I also want to forgive him and tell him it all worked out.

However, I’d never walk a day in his shoes. I smile and find inner happiness to the people who peaked in highschool because at the time I wanted to fit in and never did. I live a pretty cool and fun life now and I am glad to be surrounded by cool people with interesting ideas. There’s cool stuff ahead and I try to stay optimistic but good luck with that when you watch the news.
1386 double 5

I'm definitely sure that kid me would be amazed at how far adult me has gotten in life, that's for sure. Not only in the fact that I have a house, a newer vehicle, and a very stable job, but for the fact that I never stopped indulging my curiosities and for how much I've matured over the years. If I could go back and have a discussion with my younger self there's certainly a lot I'd tell him... me.

But yeah.. the kids that peaked in high school are really the saddest of the bunch for sure. They got a taste of temporary and isolated popularity and just couldn't roll with the punches life tends to give everyone.

I would give anything to just say “you’re gonna be okay kid, it might not work out exactly the way you wanted but you won’t be disappointed”. I have recently been dipping back into these curiosities but I was lurking in the BF days. Lately it’s just made me a much happier person. It’s just a deep inner itch that I’m finally not ignoring it’s good to be surrounded by those who make you feel good being you.

Plus forums are cool, I feel like social media just sanitizes the proper forum and thread experience. Also the different rules and culture. The trolls the dumpster divers - it’s just all mixed in. Not sanitized just one community. It’s refreshing to see.
1386 Heinz 57

Are you going to tell him that "everything is going to be okay" before or after you slap the shit out of him? Lol

Eh, for me this site pretty much IS my social media, I'm more addicted to it than a crack addict is addicted to smack. I was never a BF person though. I had an account and maybe visited 5 or 6 times before deciding... nah, this place ain't for me. But ZoophilesForum (ZF), now that was a zoo space that I had really felt at home at, almost as much as this place. It's a shame that the person that ran it ran into some serious financial troubles and couldn't save it from collapse.

I prefer a Good Will Hunting approach of just saying “it’s not your fault” and then Robin Williams hugs me.

This site has become my social media. I talked with an old Zoo friend and then we got busy and I just couldn’t disconnect like she could. So I basically went look and found this place. When you strip off the new fish the regulars remind me of the old forum culture. It’s a surprise for sure but definitely a welcome one. I can see how people get sucked in.