135736 I’ve stopped trying to battle the hair and have become one with it
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 14, 2023 #135,481 135736 I’ve stopped trying to battle the hair and have become one with it
rockymountaindog Citizen of Zooville Sep 14, 2023 #135,482 135737 Ngl I'll have to get used to having hair everywhere lol
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 14, 2023 #135,483 135738 You know you’ve just accepted it when you don’t bother picking one piece out of your food because you have 10 more on your hand that will get in there.
135738 You know you’ve just accepted it when you don’t bother picking one piece out of your food because you have 10 more on your hand that will get in there.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 14, 2023 #135,485 135740 Yeah, dog hair ends up becoming one of the 5 staple condiments that go onto your food, right up there with ketchup and hot sauce. Lol
135740 Yeah, dog hair ends up becoming one of the 5 staple condiments that go onto your food, right up there with ketchup and hot sauce. Lol
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 14, 2023 #135,487 1357 the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. Can't take a little bit of heat, Dane?
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 14, 2023 #135,488 135743 It’s the flavor I don’t like. Most sauces taste like someone threw up vinegar in my mouth.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 14, 2023 #135,490 13 Heinz 57.45 Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of heavy vinegar based anything. A little vinegar is fine in some things, but it's easy for it to overpower the sauce.
13 Heinz 57.45 Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of heavy vinegar based anything. A little vinegar is fine in some things, but it's easy for it to overpower the sauce.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 14, 2023 #135,501 Lucky 13 Heinz 57 56k modem I was wondering when MyPup was going to make a post. I saw you stalkin our posts boi!
Lucky 13 Heinz 57 56k modem I was wondering when MyPup was going to make a post. I saw you stalkin our posts boi!
MypupandI69 Citizen of Zooville Sep 14, 2023 #135,503 135758 I've been busy with projects so haven't had much downtime to post.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 14, 2023 #135,505 135760 Good luck with the projects!
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 14, 2023 #135,507 135762 Whatchu snickering at!?