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Count to ∞!

Lucky 13 double 46 plus 1

Night's alright. My head is still a little cloudy from the nap I took. My dream was pretty good as well, a boating trip with the family, until my mom told me that I couldn't have a beer out of the cooler when everyone else grabbed a bottle for themselves. Kinda soured the imaginary mood. Lol

Hope you're holding up still?
Lucky 13 single 46 double 5

Eh, it was no big loss, it was Bud Lite anyways! Lol. Otherwise it was a good dream, I saw a bunch of relatives that I haven't seen IRL in many years. And although it didn't visualized this, I guess I was the one that pulled an old 70s speedboat out of the ground, and my uncle was able to get it started which I did visualize.

Mmm... chimken! I still deciding what to have for my next meal. A part of me wants chili, but my lunch wasn't very heavy on veggies, so the other part of me is thinking chicken noodle soup with extra chicken added in.

You enjoy your nap, Fox!

Haven't seen a Fox in a while. How's he been keeping?

I actually hope to have a speedboat one of these days, nothing fancy... unless I LS swap it of course! ;) But that probably won't be until 15-20 years from now.

Actually those are my choices for later today! I'll probably eat here in about 3.5 hours, after my girls are done eating their meals.

Do it!!!! I've secretly been watching for one for the last couple of years that didn't have an engine so I could buy it cheap and put an LS in it. :LOL:

I figured you'd eat that tonight actually, I meant to say my choices for tomorrow will be between the same two but messed it all up. My schedule is all turned around and I ate way early tonight.