134358 !
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,106 134363 There's actually like 3 or 4 decent new smut pics on e621, surprisingly enough.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,108 134365 It's definitely a crap shoot sometimes. Last week there was pretty much nothing new that was actually half decent so I was having to resort to old smut that's certainly been posted before in the past.
134365 It's definitely a crap shoot sometimes. Last week there was pretty much nothing new that was actually half decent so I was having to resort to old smut that's certainly been posted before in the past.
Taopony Citizen of Zooville Sep 1, 2023 #134,109 134366 As long as it was posted far enough in the past, nobody will notice ??️
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,110 134367 Time to post furry smut from 1776. Lol
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 1, 2023 #134,111 134368 “If to it you bust a nut, Then remember it you must”
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,112 134369 Spoiler: Ancient smut! . Spoiler: Modern smut! .
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,116 134373 Eh, mas o menos, y tu?
mxdwxnders Zooville Settler Sep 1, 2023 #134,117 134374 Otro hispano eh? Estaba bien, solo muy largo y aburrido ja
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,120 1343 double se7en I'm not interested, but I know a certain ? that would be... ?
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,122 134379 Oh yeah, I forgot ? is terrified of pussies. Lol
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 1, 2023 #134,123 134380 You know what they say, your terrified of what you eat! Or something along those lines.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,124 134381 Wait, does the mean ? is afraid of ??
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 1, 2023 #134,125 134382 You ever been flogged by a big rooster? That’ll scare anyone.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,126 134383 I have not, but then again I've only observed them while they were in a pen.
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 1, 2023 #134,127 134384 Our chickens were always free range. Don’t turn your back on the big cock! And no, that’s not a euphemism.
134384 Our chickens were always free range. Don’t turn your back on the big cock! And no, that’s not a euphemism.
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,128 134385 Don't turn your back on the big black cock! ? Nah, my relatives that have them just keep them in a 10x16 pen, some of that space is taken up by a henhouse.
134385 Don't turn your back on the big black cock! ? Nah, my relatives that have them just keep them in a 10x16 pen, some of that space is taken up by a henhouse.
D Daneζ Citizen of Zooville Sep 1, 2023 #134,129 134386 Speaking of big black cocks, have you ever seen the Ayam Cemani breed of chicken?
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member Sep 1, 2023 #134,130 134387 Only in those "fun fact" YouTube videos, but never in person. It's still trippy that even their eggs and meat are black.
134387 Only in those "fun fact" YouTube videos, but never in person. It's still trippy that even their eggs and meat are black.