115216 A couple of youngsters were speeding above the limit.
M MrsShemon Guest Mar 13, 2023 #114,963 115218 One particular is all over the place. Can't keep up with that so I need to withdraw from some threads.
115218 One particular is all over the place. Can't keep up with that so I need to withdraw from some threads.
M MrsShemon Guest Mar 13, 2023 #114,965 115220 I get too pissed off for speeding: site, VPN and probably something else is so F:ing slow that 4 more posts appear after I type "16".
115220 I get too pissed off for speeding: site, VPN and probably something else is so F:ing slow that 4 more posts appear after I type "16".
FoxandtheHounds Moderator Staff member Mar 13, 2023 #114,966 1152Floofy I was having the same problems yesterday. Has been good today though.
ShanoirII Zooville Settler Mar 13, 2023 #114,974 115229 indeed it is. went from being in the 70s to the 30s in only a week and a half lol. the mystical weather of the ohio river valley. how about you?
115229 indeed it is. went from being in the 70s to the 30s in only a week and a half lol. the mystical weather of the ohio river valley. how about you?
M MrsShemon Guest Mar 13, 2023 #114,975 115230 Sounds like a cozy time on that side of the mountains. Pretty good over here. Sunny days exchanged by snow storms, as it should be.
115230 Sounds like a cozy time on that side of the mountains. Pretty good over here. Sunny days exchanged by snow storms, as it should be.
ShanoirII Zooville Settler Mar 13, 2023 #114,980 115235 might be lagging for you, yes. seems fine on my end