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Which biologists (Plural? Plural!?) confirmed this BS?
It's not "friendly" I assume. It's interest-based horniness trying to achieve a reaction or stimulating response through you. Like all those comments in the open forum. If you don't respond the way they request in PMs, they often insult you and threaten you for no reason other than their masturbate contest were not going to happen. ?‍♂️

Still: it might "feel" good, as such I can understand why some users, no matter if males or females, are positive about it. For me it resembles quite visually the image of someone trying to chain the other one down.
I was only joking, I have not shared nudes in the forum.
But you are very spot on!
When you don't go along to their jerk off game they do immediately go from friendly (horny) to insulting and even threatening.
This was a very big part of why I needed a break from this place.

Umm... I wasn't even alive at the time lol. All the good stuff I missed. :(
Yep, I'm a bit older than many which are here nowadays, that's true. Was in Zoophile channels since around 1997-99 if I recall correctly.
But for being internet affine at that time, I'm again quite young.

Not that it would matter, not here to "find" partners or sexual relief, it's just interesting to communicate about different topics for me.
The forest expertise of @MrsDogFantasy as example was very interesting to me.

My own dog will this year reach the 14, even that reaches around 2/3 of a quite common age nowadays (by humans) in this forum. ?‍♂️

But you are very spot on!
When you don't go along to their jerk off game they do immediately go from friendly (horny) to insulting and even threatening.
This was a very big part of why I needed a break from this place.
Can fully understand this. It is harassment and really annoying. I assume > 40% of the adult male world population "communicates" with "females" online in more or less friendly, but always horny ways. At least that's a very plausible assumption, unfortunately.

It annoys me almost as much as it annoys those which get harassed. But out of a realistic perspective, the only thing that "helps" is - if one wants to stay at the scenes - to not only ignore, but "trashbin" such harassment straight into the "not worth recycling" memory deletion corner..

Firstly, they're orange (not great camouflage). Secondly, damn are they loud when they screw...

Usually they don't copulate while hunting, tho. ??‍♂️

Regarding color: they often show two colors or shades of fur and - like cats - can walk near the ground quite quickly.
In autumn themed woods they are really almost invisible.

On previous industrial complex there were large wooden / field areas around it and it happened regularly that foxes wandered to the trash bins on daylight or deer walked over the field / grass.

As soon as a fox ran through semi-high grass, it was not well visible. In trimmed or human populated / city areas it's different, surely. Same goes for different seasons with varying color theme.

They don't necessarily fear dogs, as well. We had it multiple times that a fox sat on the plastered ways and I could approach with my dog without problems up to 5 - 6 meters.