Oy! I may have had another face palm moment. For almost a month and a half my dryer stopped buzzing after the laundry was finished drying. I just noticed about 10 minutes ago that the start button is also a switch. It's labeled "signal (on/off)" and it was set to off. If turning it to on solves my problem, I'm going to feel rather dumb. ?
I'll find out in a bit if that does solve my problem. But that still leaves me to ponder how it got turned off in the first place? Besides the timer and pushing "start" I really don't mess with any other settings. ?
Not too sure? This one is a full quarter turn to flip it on and off, and doing so produces a nice solid "click" with a bit of weight behind it. Perhaps my house is haunted? Lol. It wouldn't be the first time something unexplainable happened.