MypupandI69 Citizen of Zooville Nov 28, 2022 #89,775 89975 Anyone still working on Thanksgiving leftovers?
Ted Danson Machine Esteemed Citizen of ZV Nov 28, 2022 #89,776 89976 not me lol those were gone the next day
MypupandI69 Citizen of Zooville Nov 28, 2022 #89,777 89977 I went home with 3 large containers of food I've got it down to one. Should be finished off by tomorrow lol.
89977 I went home with 3 large containers of food I've got it down to one. Should be finished off by tomorrow lol.
MypupandI69 Citizen of Zooville Nov 28, 2022 #89,779 89979 Also got in some online gaming for the first time in 2 years to no one's surprise I'm pretty much a noob. Got a few kills mostly cause I got lucky.
89979 Also got in some online gaming for the first time in 2 years to no one's surprise I'm pretty much a noob. Got a few kills mostly cause I got lucky.
Ted Danson Machine Esteemed Citizen of ZV Nov 28, 2022 #89,780 89980 lol, probably doing better than I could man
MypupandI69 Citizen of Zooville Nov 28, 2022 #89,781 89981 I was mostly into sim racing anyway so fps games were never my speed. It's too bad most of the servers for the old 360 console no longer exist I'd still be tearing it up on forza motorsport 4.
89981 I was mostly into sim racing anyway so fps games were never my speed. It's too bad most of the servers for the old 360 console no longer exist I'd still be tearing it up on forza motorsport 4.
Ted Danson Machine Esteemed Citizen of ZV Nov 28, 2022 #89,782 89982 I don't play any online games. Never really got into it
Shalik Tourist Nov 28, 2022 #89,783 FloofyNewfie said: 89737 Your avatar haunts my dreams! I forgot who that YouTuber was though, but I've definitely seen it. Click to expand... The Boys, but specificaly i remember JoshDub 89983
FloofyNewfie said: 89737 Your avatar haunts my dreams! I forgot who that YouTuber was though, but I've definitely seen it. Click to expand... The Boys, but specificaly i remember JoshDub 89983