First half of the day was crap. I ended up getting a migraine, but after a few hours of... let's just say.... resting with my eyes closed, since I never sleep of course, I feel a whole lot better thankfully.
I almost forgot it was Halloween until @Ted Danson Machine mentioned it earlier. I did the whole trick or treat thing last year and got a total of like 5 tick or treaters. Everyone wants to do "trunk or treat" which kind of soils the spirit of Halloween. It's just... not right. I remember as I kid I'd have to walk around the whole neighborhood to get my candy. I guess the Karens were too scared that little Timmy might get some excesize or get Darwined out of existence by a car. Lol
I agree, kids should be out trick or treating the real way! Forget all that other stuff. Walk around, get scared, eat candy. It's actually jumping out here this year, lots of people out. But I'm back in the hills now. I never see anyone come by out here.