Well, with my Newfie she's always horny in and out of heat, although that's definitely not always the norm. But when she is in heat she kind of... even more horny than usual. But if she's in the mood she'll flag and back her rear end into me even out of heat. Often I'll just be petting her without any sexual intensions, she likes her lower back rubbed, and surprise! she starts getting horny.84485
@FloofyNewfie when your girls are in heat are they like noticiably horny? I know all dogs are different but in your cases do they like flag you down a lot or try to initiate sex? Or are they just more receptive to it
They definitely do make my life more complete, that's for absolute sure! Sex is one thing, but they are also very sweet as well, especially my Newfie.Nice Floofy, sounds like you've got some awesome doggos