Definitely be careful with that, if they aren't a zoophile and don't have an open mind things could escalate negatively rather quickly, although you definitely know this individual better than any of us here.I have someone who I eventually want to show this website to.
Good luck! IF you can get past all of my number posts that it! ?I'll definitely try to show them your posts once I do.
82394 I will totally be careful about that, this person is my partner who has said they are understanding of my particular wants and needs. Very lucky about that, but I would eventually like to give them some more concrete information if they are legitimately interested82391
I probably could have replied a bit more to the thread, rereading it, but oh well.
Definitely be careful with that, if they aren't a zoophile and don't have an open mind things could escalate negatively rather quickly, although you definitely know this individual better than any of us here.
Good luck! IF you can get past all of my number posts that it! ?