8207282071 the system works
Or half a dozen donkeys on the other side of the window deciding to serenade you in 6 part harmony... *ONE* of those critters has enough volume to pick you up off the bed and fling you against the far wall of the room. Now multiply it by 6...82048
Been there and done that, try having an irate pony wanting her breakfast stick her head in your bedroom window and whinny, loudly.
82077Or half a dozen donkeys on the other side of the window deciding to serenade you in 6 part harmony... *ONE* of those critters has enough volume to pick you up off the bed and fling you against the far wall of the room. Now multiply it by 6...
82080Or half a dozen donkeys on the other side of the window deciding to serenade you in 6 part harmony... *ONE* of those critters has enough volume to pick you up off the bed and fling you against the far wall of the room. Now multiply it by 6...